Book and publications >> Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Engineering >> Mechanical

Our higher education division is a market leader in the disciplines of engineering, science, mathematics, business, economics, the humanities and the social sciences. We create a complete learning experience through textual pedagogy, CD and Web-based supplements, and instructor support. We have also adapted our tried-and-tested original titles to be more accessible, interesting and affordable, especially to the students in South Asia. In addition, we have published customized editions for universities and institutions to cater even more specifically to the requirements of our readers.

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Found - 11 Title(s)
ISBN Title Author Year Imprint
9789361595844 Fundamentals of Internal Combustion Engines Bijan Kumar Mandal 2025 Pearson Education
9789332575066 Heat Transfer Chapman Alan 2016 Pearson Education
9789332559547 Mechanics of Materials, Egor P. Popov 2016 Pearson Education
9789332549906 Introduction to Solid Mechanics Irving H. Shames 2015 Pearson Education
9789332556911 Biomedical Instrumentation And Measurements Leslie Cromwell 2016 Pearson Education
9789332581241 Work Systems: The Methods, Measurement & Management of Work Mikell P. Groover 2017 Pearson Education
9789386873293 Basic Mechanical Engineering Pravin Kumar 2018 Pearson Education
9789332544802 Introduction to Industrial Robotics Ramachandran Nagarajan 2016 Pearson Education
9789353062408 Machine Design Robert L. Norton 2018 Pearson Education
9789353062910 Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials: SI Edition, 6/e Serope Kalpakjian 2018 Pearson Education
9789353062569 Mechanical Vibrations: SI Edition, 6/e Singiresu S. Rao 2018 Pearson Education
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