Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Engineering >> Mechanical >> Mechanical

Basic Mechanical Engineering

Basic Mechanical Engineering

  • Pravin Kumar
  • Author: Pravin Kumar
    • ISBN:9789386873293
    • 10 Digit ISBN:938687329X
    • Price:Rs. 620.00
    • Pages:784
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available

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    Basic Mechanical Engineering continues to fill the need for a textbook that provides the complete overview of several aspects of mechanical engineering—thermal engineering, mechanical design and manufacturing engineering. With lucid exposition of the fundamental concepts along with numerous worked-out examples and well-labeled detailed illustrations, this book provides a holistic understanding of the subject.


    Table of Content

    1. Concepts of Thermodynamics and Properties of Gases
    2. Fuels and Combustion
    3. Power Plant Engineering and Sources of Energy
    4. Properties of Steam and Steam Generators
    5. Steam and Gas Turbines
    6. Internal Combustion Engines
    7. Heat Transfer
    8. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
    9. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines
    10. Air Compressors
    11. Centroid and Moment of Inertia
    12. Stress and Strain
    13. Machine Elements
    14. Flywheel and Governors
    15. Power Transmission Devices
    16. Couplings, Clutches, and Brakes
    17. Engineering Materials
    18. Mechanical Measurement
    19. Machine Tools
    20. Casting and Welding
    21. Mechanical Working of Metals, Sheet Metal Work, Powder Metallurgy, and Smithy
    22. Manufacturing Systems: NC, CNC, DNC, and Robotics
    23. Heat Treatment"

    Salient Features

    1. Coverage of important topics such as power plant engineering, non-conventional energy resources, sheet metal work and NC, CNC and DNC machines
    2. Chapters on Fuels and Combustion and Internal Combustion Engines updated to include recent advancements
    3. Points to remember and list of important formulae at the end of each chapter for quick recapitulation
    4. More than 1100 end-of-chapter exercises including multiplechoice questions, theory questions and exercise problems for efficient self-assessment"