Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Engineering >> Mechanical >> Mechanical

Introduction to Industrial Robotics

Introduction to Industrial Robotics

  • Ramachandran Nagarajan
  • Author: Ramachandran Nagarajan
    • ISBN:9789332544802
    • 10 Digit ISBN:9332544808
    • Price:Rs. 630.00
    • Pages:320
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available



    Robotics is the branch of technology that deals with the design, construction, operation, and application of robots. It is a subject offered to the students of mechanical engineering in their final year. This book is written to cover the needs of a budding engineer at the undergraduate level.

    This book emphasizes on building the fundamental concepts along with necessary mathematical analysis and graphical representation. Numerical problems are also present for better understanding the topics.



    Table of Content

    About the Author
    1. Introduction to Robotics
    2. Grippers and tools of Industrial robots
    3. Coordinate transformation
    4. Kinematics
    5. Robot sensors
    6. Robot control
    7. Robot Programming and work cell
    8. Robot Vision
    9. Robot applications
    10. Robot trajectory planning
    11. Economic analysis of Robots
    12. Artificial Intelligence
    13. Robot Dynamics
    14. FLC of Robot Joints
    15. Medical applications of Robots
    16. Helping the visually impaired for their autonomous navigation

    Salient Features

    "? A detailed listing of chronological development of Robots Technology
    ? Composite transformation matrix , Object manipulations and wrist articulations are explained with detailed examples.  
    ? Lucid coverage of grippers and tools with self explanatory figures
    ? Detailed coverage of Robot applications in industries