Author Result Summary
Lalitha, Ramakrishnan : Lalitha Ramakrishnan is Professor of marketing management, Department of Management Studies and Head of the Pondicherry University Campus at Karaikal. She specialized in marketing for obtaining her MBA degree and did research in business policy for her Ph.D. at Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati.
She has co-authored six text books with Prof. C. S....
Larry P., Ritzman : Larry P. Ritzman, Professor Emeritus at the Ohio State University and Boston College.
Larry, Ullman : Larry Ullman is the director of digital media technology at DMC Insights, an IT consulting firm, as well as the author of numerous best-selling books on PHP, MySQL, and C (including several other Visual QuickStart Guides).
Laura, Thomson : Laura Thomson is a lecturer in the School of Computer Science and Information Technology at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia. She has taught a wide variety of courses with a Web and Internet focus and is currently completing a Ph.D. in Web Mining. She speaks at conferences around the globe and has delivered training at organizations as diverse as Er...
Lawrence J, Gitman : Lawrence Gitman received his degrees from Purdue University, University of Dayton, and University of Cincinnati. He is currently a professor of finance at San Diego State University, and a prolific author with over 40 published articles and several textbooks, including Principles of Managerial Finance, tenth edition and its brief version in the thir...
Lee H., Radebaugh : Lee H. Radebaugh, is the KPMG Professor and Associate Director of the MBA Program at Brigham Young University. He received his MBA and doctorate from Indiana University. He taught at the Pennsylvania State University from 1972 to 1980. He also has been a visiting professor at Escuela de Administracion de Negocios para Graduados (ESAN), a graduate business ...
Leigh, Thompson : Leigh L. Thompson is the J. Jay Gerber Distinguished Professor of Dispute Resolution and Organizations in the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. She is also the director of the AT&T Behavioral Research Laboratory at Kellogg and the Leading High Impact Teams Executive Program at Kellogg. An active consultant, Thompson has taught teamwo...
Len, Bass : Len Bass is a senior software engineer at the SEI. He has written or edited five books and numerous papers on software engineering, human-computer interaction, and other topics.
Lewis J., Kleinsmith : Lewis J. Kleinsmith is a Professor of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental biology at the University of Michigan, where he has served on the faculty since receiving his Ph.D. from Rockefeller University in 1968. His teaching experiences have involved courses in introductory biology, cell biology, and cancer biology, and his research interests have includ...
Liana Li, Evans : Since 1999, Liana "Li" Evans has been active full-time in the search marketing arena, becoming well-versed in all avenues of social media and search marketing. Li runs the Search Marketing Gurus blog and is the director of social media for Serengeti Communications, a Washington, DC-based online marketing firm that focuses on building social media strategie...
Lisa, Crispin : Lisa Crispin is dedicated to helping agile teams and testers discover good ways to deliver the best possible product. She specializes in showing testers and agile teams how testers can add value and how to guide development with business-facing tests. Since 2003, she's been a tester on a Scrum/XP team at ePlan Services, Inc., and frequently leads tutorials...
Luke, Welling : Luke Welling is a lecturer in the School of Computer Science and Information Technology at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia. He chooses to use Open Source software whenever practical and evangelizes the advantages of this approach as widely as possible. He has spoken to audiences in Australia, North America, and Europe about MySQL, PHP, and other Op...