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Foundations of Software Testing

Foundations of Software Testing

  • Aditya P Mathur
  • Author: Aditya P Mathur
    • ISBN:9788131794760
    • 10 Digit ISBN:8131794768
    • Price:Rs. 980.00
    • Pages:728
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available


    The Second Edition of Foundations of Software Testing is aimed at the undergraduate, the graduate students and the practicing engineers.


    It presents sound engineering approaches for test generation, ion, minimization, assessment, and enhancement. Using numerous examples, it offers a lucid description of a wide range of simple to complex techniques for a variety of testing-related tasks. It also discusses the comparative analyses of commercially available testing tools to facilitate the tool ion.


    Table of Content

    Part I: Preliminaries
    1. Preliminaries: Software Testing
    2. Preliminaries: Mathematical

    Part II: Test Generation
    3. Domain Partitioning
    4. Predicate Analysis
    5. Test Generation: FSM Models
    6. Test Generation: Combinatorial Designs

    Part III: Test Adequacy
    7. Control Flow and and Data Flow
    8. Program Mutation

    Part IV: Phases of Testing
    9. Regression Testing
    10. Unit Testing
    11. Integration Testing

    Salient Features

    • Mathematical and algorithmic approach followed to describe a wide range of simple to complex techniques for test generation.
    • Detailed treatment of topics such as test generation from finite state models, combinatorial designs and test selection and minimization for regression testing.
    • Test adequacy assessment using criteria mandated by the FAA and other agencies; data-flow based adequacy and mutation-based adequacy which are the most powerful of the available test adequacy criteria.
    • Step-by-step algorithms to generate tests.
    • Comparative analyses of commercially available testing tools to facilitate tool selection.