Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Business and Economics >> Marketing >> Advertising

Rural Marketing: Text and Cases, 2/e

Rural Marketing:  Text and Cases,  2/e

  • C. S. G. Krishnamacharyulu
  • Lalitha Ramakrishnan
  • Author: C. S. G. Krishnamacharyulu
    • ISBN:9788131732632
    • 10 Digit ISBN:8131732630
    • Price:Rs. 850.00
    • Pages:608
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available

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    The second revised and enlarged edition of Rural Marketing: Text and Cases, while retaining the popular features of the first edition, provides a more comprehensive coverage of the changing profiles, issues and practices in the context of rural marketing. Built on the general marketing management framework, the book discusses the strategic issues that influence marketing in rural areas by highlighting numerous examples from India.

    A clear and compelling writing style, cutting-edge learning tools and completely revised chapters make Rural Marketing an indispensable guide for students and professionals striving to make a career in rural marketing.

    Table of Content

    Part I: New Horizons
    1. Rural Marketing Opportunities
    2. Understanding the Rural Economy
    3. Rural Marketing Experiences
    Part II: Insights
    1. Rural Consumer Behaviour
    2. Rural Marketing Research
    3. Selecting and Attracting Markets
    Part III: Designing Strategies
    1. Product Strategy
    2. Pricing Strategy
    3. Distribution Strategy
    4. Rural Retailing
    5. Promotion Strategy
    Part IV: Applications
    1. Marketing of Consumer Products
    2. Marketing of Agri-inputs
    3. Marketing of Services
    4. Social Marketing
    5. Agricultural Marketing
    6. Marketing of Rural Industry Products
    Part V: Looking Into the Future
    1. Future of Rural Marketing
    Part VI Cases

    Salient Features

    • Offers readers a comprehensive coverage of rural marketing practices
    • Eight new chapters that blend concepts with real-time practices
    • Focuses on emerging issues in the arena of rural marketing
    • Complete coverage of social marketing and the service and agri-input sectors
    • Facilitates analysis of rural consumer behaviour and evaluation of competitors practices