Book and publications >> Competitive Exams >> Testprep >> NEET

Our competitive examination titles provide a wide range of resource books, manuals and exam-specific guides for students appearing for prestigious national- and state-level competitive examinations. Our fast-growing list of titles is written to prepare the aspirants of every major competitive examination, from UPSC examinations to MBA entrance tests. We also publish some hugely popular titles on the key elements of such examinations, such as general knowledge, English language, current affairs and quantitative aptitude. Our huge repertoire also includes Hindi and Bengali versions of select titles.

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Found - 21 Title(s)
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ISBN Title Author Year Imprint
9789390531516 15 Mock Test for NEET Sanjay Bisht 2021 Pearson Education
9789356060401 NEET MENTOR BIOLOGY VOL I Dr. Rajiv Vijay 2023 Pearson Education
9789356060487 NEET MENTOR BIOLOGY VOL II Dr. Rajiv Vijay 2023 Pearson Education
9789356063990 NEET MENTOR CHEMISTRY VOL II Rohit Agrawal 2023 Pearson Education
9789356064027 NEET MENTOR CHEMISTRY VOL I Rohit Agrawal 2023 Pearson Education
9789357050029 Pearson NEET Foundation Physics, Chemistry & Biology - Class 7 Pearson Education 2023 Pearson Education
9789357050036 Pearson NEET Foundation Physics, Chemistry & Biology - Class 9 Pearson Education 2023 Pearson Education
9789357050067 Pearson NEET Foundation Physics, Chemistry & Biology - Class 6 Pearson Education 2023 Pearson Education
9789357050074 Pearson NEET Foundation Physics, Chemistry & Biology - Class 8 Pearson Education 2023 Pearson Education
9789357050081 Pearson NEET Foundation Physics, Chemistry & Biology - Class 10 Pearson Education 2023 Pearson Education
9789357052429 NEET MENTOR PHYSICS VOL I Girija Shanker Tiwari 2023 Pearson Education
9789357052603 NEET MENTOR PHYSICS VOL II Girija Shanker Tiwari 2023 Pearson Education
9789357055932 NEET 16 Years' ChapterWise Solved Papers Sanjay Bisht 2023 Pearson Education
9789361590597 EDUTEL NEET PCB CRASH COURSE Pearson Education 2024 Pearson Education
9789361593475 NEET PCB Crash Course Pearson Education 2024 Pearson Education
9789361593970 NEET Biology Volume - II Dr. Rajiv Vijay 2024 Pearson Education
9789361594076 NEET Chemistry Volume II Shubh Karan Choudhary 2024 Pearson Education
9789361595431 NEET Biology Volume - I Dr. Rajiv Vijay 2024 Pearson Education
9789361595721 NEET Physics Volume II Girija Shanker Tiwari 2024 Pearson Education
9789361596490 NEET Chemistry Volume I Shubh Karan Choudhary 2024 Pearson Education
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