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Our competitive examination titles provide a wide range of resource books, manuals and exam-specific guides for students appearing for prestigious national- and state-level competitive examinations. Our fast-growing list of titles is written to prepare the aspirants of every major competitive examination, from UPSC examinations to MBA entrance tests. We also publish some hugely popular titles on the key elements of such examinations, such as general knowledge, English language, current affairs and quantitative aptitude. Our huge repertoire also includes Hindi and Bengali versions of select titles.

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Found - 15 Title(s)
ISBN Title Author Year Imprint
9789361590313 GATE Electrical Engineering Trishna Trishna 2024 Pearson Education
9789361592768 GATE General Aptitude & Engineering Mathematics Trishna Trishna 2024 Pearson Education
9789361594779 GATE Civil Engineering Trishna Trishna 2024 Pearson Education
9789361596018 GATE Computer Science and Information Technology Trishna Trishna 2024 Pearson Education
9789361597442 GATE Electronics and Communication Engineering Trishna Trishna 2024 Pearson Education
9789361599811 GATE Mechanical Engineering Trishna Trishna 2024 Pearson Education
9789357051965 GATE Mechanical Engineering 2024 Trishna Knowledge System - GATE 2023 Pearson Education
9789357052030 GATE Electrical Engineering 2024 Trishna Knowledge System - GATE 2023 Pearson Education
9789357052078 GATE Electronics and Communication Engineering 2024 Trishna Knowledge System - GATE 2023 Pearson Education
9789357052092 GATE Computer Science and Information Technology 2024 Trishna Knowledge System - GATE 2023 Pearson Education
9789357052139 GATE Civil Engineering 2024 Trishna Knowledge System - GATE 2023 Pearson Education
9789357052153 GATE General Aptitude & Engineering Mathematics 2024 Trishna Knowledge System - GATE 2023 Pearson Education
9789354493621 GATE Mechanical Engineering 2022 Trishna Knowledge System - GATE 2021 Pearson Education
9789354493737 GATE GENERAL APTITUDE & ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS Trishna Knowledge System - GATE 2021 Pearson Education
9789354493744 GATE Topic-wise Previous Years' Solved Question Papers Computer Science and Information Technology Pearson Education 2021 Pearson Education
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