Book and publications >> Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Engineering and Computer Science >> Computer Science

Our higher education division is a market leader in the disciplines of engineering, science, mathematics, business, economics, the humanities and the social sciences. We create a complete learning experience through textual pedagogy, CD and Web-based supplements, and instructor support. We have also adapted our tried-and-tested original titles to be more accessible, interesting and affordable, especially to the students in South Asia. In addition, we have published customized editions for universities and institutions to cater even more specifically to the requirements of our readers.

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Found - 247 Title(s)
<< 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 >>
ISBN Title Author Year Imprint
9788119896554 Bayesian Analysis with Excel and R Conrad Carlberg 2024 Pearson Education
9789353944940 Beyond Bullet Points: Using PowerPoint to tell a compelling story that gets results Cliff Atkinson 2020 Pearson Education
9789332575073 Big Data Fundamentals Thomas Erl 2016 Pearson Education
9789332549371 Bioprocess Engineering: Basic Concepts Michael L. Shuler 2015 Pearson Education
9789389588880 Blockchain for Business Jai Singh Arun 2020 Pearson Education
9781292161686 Building Java Programs: A Back to Basics Approach, Global Edition, 4/e Stuart Reges 2017 Pearson Education
9788131732090 C Programming: Test Your Skills Ashok Kamthane 2010 Pearson Education
9789332585737 C++ How to Program Paul J. Deitel 2017 Pearson Education
9789332546189 C++ Primer Plus Stephen Prata 2015 Pearson Education
9789356060135 C++ Programming Language Bjarne Stroustrup 2022 Pearson Education
9788131760529 C++ Programming: A practical approach Madhusudan Mothe 2012 Pearson Education
9789386873576 Cloud Native Go: Building Web Applications and Microservices for the Cloud with Go and React Kevin Hoffman 2018 Pearson Education
9788131764916 Compilers: Principles and Practice Parag Himanshu Dave 2012 Pearson Education
9789353946326 Complete A+ Guide to IT Hardware and Software: A CompTIA A+ Core 1 (220-1001) & CompTIA A+ Core 2 (220-1002) Textbook Cheryl A. Schmidt 2020 Pearson Education
9788131715437 Computer and Communication Networks Nader F. Mir 2007 PH PTR
9788131761557 Computer Architecture and Organization: From 8085 to core2Duo & beyond Subrata Ghoshal 2011 Pearson Education
9788131733097 Computer Fundamentals Anita Goel 2010 Pearson Education
9789332519343 Computer Fundamentals and Programming in C Anita Goel 2011 Pearson Education
9789354499548 Computer Fundamentals and Programming in C Anita Goel 2022 Pearson Education
9789332555303 Computer Graphics Using OpenGL Francis S. Hill Jr. 2015 Pearson Education
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