Book and publications >> Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Engineering and Computer Science >> Computer Science

Our higher education division is a market leader in the disciplines of engineering, science, mathematics, business, economics, the humanities and the social sciences. We create a complete learning experience through textual pedagogy, CD and Web-based supplements, and instructor support. We have also adapted our tried-and-tested original titles to be more accessible, interesting and affordable, especially to the students in South Asia. In addition, we have published customized editions for universities and institutions to cater even more specifically to the requirements of our readers.

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Found - 247 Title(s)
<< 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 >>
ISBN Title Author Year Imprint
9788131792544 Data Structures using C A.K. Sharma 2013 Pearson Education
9788131794760 Foundations of Software Testing Aditya P Mathur 2013 Pearson Education
9788131794791 Express Learning - Computer Fundamentals and Programming Ashok Kamthane 2013 Pearson Education
9789332515888 Network Forensics:Tracking Hackers through Cyberspace Sherri Davidoff 2013 Pearson Education
9789332515833 Object-Oriented Programming with C++ A.K. Sharma 2014 Pearson Education
9789332518643 Algorithm Design Jon Kleinberg 2014 Pearson Education
9789332518674 Database Systems: The Complete Book, 2/e Hector Garcia-Molina 2014 Pearson Education
9789332518681 Object-Oriented Software Engineering: Using UML, Patterns and Java, 3/e Bernd Bruegge 2014 Pearson Education
9789332518711 Computer Graphics with OpenGL Donald D Hearn 2014 Pearson Education
9789332518735 Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction Ben Shneiderman 2014 Pearson Education
9789332518759 Discrete-Event System Simulation Jerry Banks 2014 Pearson Education
9789332518810 Problem Solving and Program Design in C Jeri R. Hanly 2014 Pearson Education
9789332521391 Discrete Mathematical Structures U.S Gupta 2014 Pearson Education
9789332522299 Digital Electronics Betty Lincoln 2014 Pearson Education
9789332525610 Programming in C Shubhnandan Jamwal 2014 Pearson Education
9789332535152 Network Flows: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications Ravindra K Ahuja 2014 Pearson Education
9781292080321 Starting Out With App Inventor for Android, Global Edition Tony Gaddis 2015 Pearson Education
9789332537293 Software Engineering Chandramouli Subramanian 2015 Pearson Education
9789332537606 Architecting Cloud SaaS Software - Solutions or Products: Engineering Multi-tenanted Distributed Architecture Software Sankaran Prithviraj 2015 Pearson Education
9789332542143 Software Project Management Subramanian Chandramouli 2015 Pearson Education
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