Book and publications >> Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Engineering and Computer Science >> Computer Science

Our higher education division is a market leader in the disciplines of engineering, science, mathematics, business, economics, the humanities and the social sciences. We create a complete learning experience through textual pedagogy, CD and Web-based supplements, and instructor support. We have also adapted our tried-and-tested original titles to be more accessible, interesting and affordable, especially to the students in South Asia. In addition, we have published customized editions for universities and institutions to cater even more specifically to the requirements of our readers.

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Found - 247 Title(s)
<< 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 >>
ISBN Title Author Year Imprint
9789353433062 Introductory Combinatorics Richard A. Brualdi 2019 Pearson Education
9788131709771 Modern Information Retrieval Ricardo Baeza-Yates 1999 Pearson Education
9789332535152 Network Flows: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications Ravindra K Ahuja 2014 Pearson Education
9788177584226 Programming Languages: Concepts & Constructs, 2/e Ravi Sethi 2007 Pearson Education
9788177583168 Electronic Commerce: A Managers Guide Ravi Kalakota 1997 Pearson Education
9788177583922 Frontiers of Electronic Commerce Ravi Kalakota 1996 Pearson Education
9789332575271 Fundamentals of Web Development Randy Connolly 2016 Pearson Education
9789332573901 Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective Randal E. Bryant 2016 Pearson Education
9789332582705 Fundamentals of Database System Ramez Elmasri 2017 Pearson Education
9788131754559 Object Oriented Programming Using C++ and Java Ramesh Vasappanavara 2011 Pearson Education
9788131716939 High Performance Cluster Computing: Architectures and Systems, Vol. 1 Rajkumar Buyya 1999 PH PTR
9788131700693 Real-Time Systems: Theory and Practice Rajib Mall 2007 Pearson Education
9789332542099 MATLAB® and its Applications in Engineering Raj Kumar Bansal 2016 Pearson Education
9789353062989 Digital Image Processing Rafael C. Gonzalez 2019 Pearson Education
9789332584747 Engineering Mechanics R. C. Hibbeler 2017 Pearson Education
9789353944377 Modern Power System Analysis with MATLAB® Applications R Jegatheesan 2020 Pearson Education
9789332549388 Multimedia Systems Design Prabhat K. Andleigh 2015 Pearson Education
9788131707173 Data Mining Pieter Adriaans 1996 Pearson Education
9789332549302 IBM PC Assembly Language and Programming Peter Abel 2015 Pearson Education
9789332585737 C++ How to Program Paul J. Deitel 2017 Pearson Education
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