Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Business and Economics >> Business Environment >> Business Environment

International Business

International Business

  • Sumati Varma
  • Author: Sumati Varma
    • ISBN:9789390394234
    • 10 Digit ISBN:9390394236
    • Price:Rs. 770.00
    • Pages:544
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available


    International Business, 2e is a revised and updated textbook for postgraduate courses of International Business and Strategy. The book aims to give students a comprehensive coverage of all aspects of the subject by linking concepts, theories and frameworks with real life cases and examples across countries and industries.

    Table of Content

    "FOUNDATIONS 1. Globalization and International Business 2. Globalization of Business Structures: The Transnational Corporation Unit Ii GLOBAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT 3. Economic Environment 4. Political and Legal Environment 5. Cultural Environment Unit III FRAMEWORK OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS 6. International Trade Theories and Applications 7. Political Economy of International Trade 8. Foreign Direct Investment: Theory and Application 9. Regional Economic Integration Unit IV GLOBAL MONETARY ENVIRONMENT 10. Regional Economic Integration 11. Financing of Global Operations Unit V GLOBAL BUSINESS STRATEGY 12. Strategy of Foreign Market Entry 13. Alliances and Acquisitions 14. Technology and Innovation Unit VI BUILDING FUNCTIONAL EXCELLENCE 15. International Organizational Structures and Design 16. International Marketing 17. International Human Resource Management 18. International Production and Supply Chain Operations 19. Accounting For International Business 20. Environmental Issues for International Business 21. International Entrepreneurship 22. International Business and Society "

    Salient Features

    Fresh new chapter — International Business and Society. 2) 15 new opening cases, 13 new closing cases, 13 new ‘Industry Focus' features, 14 new stories in ‘Region Focus' and 15 new episodes of ‘International Business in Action'. 3) Latest and updated data on trade, FDI and TNCs based on global reports. 4) Case studies based on recent developments including “GVCs in the COVID Era”, “The Gig Economy”, “Journey of the Wimbledon Ball”, “Masala Bonds”, “Ethical Issues in Civet Coffee”, “Chicken Tikka Masala – Britain's National Dish”.