Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Science and Mathematics >> Mathematics >> Mathematics

Analysis of Algorithms

Analysis of Algorithms

  • Subhash K Shinde
  • Monika Mangla
  • Nonita Sharma
  • Author: Subhash K Shinde
    • ISBN:9789390394135
    • 10 Digit ISBN:9390394139
    • Price:Rs. 370.00
    • Pages:240
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available

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    "The purpose of this textbook is to introduce the reader to the basics of algorithms, analysis techniques, and designing of several algorithmic techniques in a simplis??c and prac??cal way. This book is especially designed to present the concepts in a naïve and easy fashion so that readers can grasp the concepts easily and can apply them for solving real-life problems. More emphasis has been laid on presen??ng the several mathema??cal concepts in a detailed and descrip??ve manner. The book has been specifically cra??ed for the subject - Design and Analysis of the Algorithms with an aim to assimilate the basics of algorithm analysis for an introductory graduate course. It can also be used as a reference for self-study by researchers in the field of Computer Science or Computer Applica??ons. Addi??onally, it can serve as an exemplar guide for the students in mathema??cs and allied branches to understand the principles of Analysis of Algorithms and Data structures. Hence, the book serves to establish a pla??orm to understand the fundamentals of the subject persuading its readers to strive in-depth and mul??dimensional knowledge of the advanced topics related to the applica??on of subject in real life scenario."

    Table of Content

    Preface Acknowledgements About the Authors Introduction to Algorithms Analyzing Algorithms Divide and Conquer Greedy Method Approach Dynamic Programming Approach Backtracking Branch and Bound Maximum Flow String Matching Approximation Algorithms Appendix List of programs A.1 Program for Selection Sort A.2 Program for Insertion Sort A.3 Program for Heap Sort A.4 Program for Quick Sort A.5 Program for Counting Sort A.6 Program for Radix Sort A.7 Program for Finding Minimum and Maximum in an Array A.8 Program for Binary Search A.9 Program for Fractional Knapsack Problem Using Greedy Approach A.10 Program for Single Source Shortest Path (Dijkstra's Algorithm) A.11 Program for Minimum Spanning Tree (Prim's Algorithm) A.12 Program for All Pair Shortest Path (Floyd Warshall Algorithm) A.13 Program for Matrix Chain Multiplication A.14 Program for 0/1 Knapsack using Dynamic Programming A.15 Program for Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) A.16 Program for Travelling Salesperson Problem (TSP) A.17 Program for Sum of Subsets Problem A.18 Program for Ford Fulkerson Method of Maximum Flow A.19 Program for Naïve String Matching Algorithm A.20 Program for Rabin Karp String Matching Algorithm A.21 Program for Knuth Morris Pratt String Matching Algorithm Multiple Choice Questions B.1 Index

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