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Gender: A Sociological Understanding

Gender: A Sociological Understanding

  • Reema Bhatia
  • Author: Reema Bhatia
    • ISBN:9789390325436
    • 10 Digit ISBN:9390325439
    • Price:Rs. 630.00
    • Pages:440
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available

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    "Gender: A Sociological Understanding is a comprehensive work to help readers understand the complexity and depth of gender not only as a theoretical concept, but also as a dynamic working concept. The work brings new insights into how feminism challenges the gendered structures of our everyday existence.

    Written in light of the recent developments in social theory, the work synthesizes and reviews key contemporary topics and themes across a range of theoretical and methodological perspectives while addressing the shift in the understanding of gendered existence.

    Table of Content

    1. Understanding Gender 2. Feminist Theory 3. Feminist Methodology 4. Feminist Movements 5. Gender and Health 6. Gender and Education 7. Gender and Work 8. Gender, Media and the Visual 9. Gender and Violence

    Salient Features

    "• The text includes chapters on Feminist Theories, Feminist Methodology and Feminist Movements wherein topics are discussed not only from a historical perspective but also from a contemporary perspective • Gender is approached from different perspectives in the context of institutions like health, education, work, media and visual representations and violence • It explores the various orthodoxies, inclusions and exclusions in feminist knowledge and how feminist knowledge has evolved over time from a dominant universal mode into a reflexive mode • Through Case Studies on real-life events, the work critically engages in national, international, intersectional and transnational perspectives that are crucial for gender studies "