Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Business and Economics >> MBA >> MBA

Training and Development

Training and Development

  • Nishant Uppal
  • Author: Nishant Uppal
    • ISBN:9789356069633
    • 10 Digit ISBN:9356069638
    • Price:Rs. 770.00
    • Pages:464
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available

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    Training and Development by Nishant Uppal addresses one of the most-coveted area in management studies—understanding workforce training needs and designing employee development programs in a rapidly transforming work culture. This book embarks the readers on a journey to comprehending the need, the types and the motivation of formal and informal channels of training and provides keen insights on various aspects of Training Needs Analysis, which entails how these components can equip trainees with more nuanced understanding of knowledge imparted in the training. The book provides insights on efficacy of developmental programs to ignite an internal inducement among the employees corresponding to learning techniques of recent times like gamification and feedback approaches. The book also delves into the significance of &ldquotransfer of training" and &ldquotraining evaluation" where assessment of specific results accomplished through the processes involved is gauged apart from general application of the training objectives. This book is an useful resource for students of management, management trainees and practicing managers who aspire to evolve as leaders and master the art of mentoring, coaching and training. The text is lucid and necessitates the readers to, both primarily and vicariously, experience and appreciate the differences between training and learning as a part of the workforce.

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