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Signals, Systems and Inference

Signals, Systems and Inference

  • Alan V. Oppenheim
  • George C. Verghese
  • Author: Alan V. Oppenheim
    • ISBN:9789356064676
    • 10 Digit ISBN:9356064679
    • Price:Rs. 720.00
    • Pages:608
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available

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    Signals, Systems and Inference is a comprehensive text that builds on introductory courses in time- and frequency-domain analysis of signals and systems, and in probability. Directed primarily to upper-level undergraduates and beginning graduate students in engineering and applied science branches, this new textbook pioneers a novel course of study. Instead of the usual leap from broad introductory subjects to highly specialized advanced subjects, this engaging and inclusive text creates a study track for a transitional course.

    Table of Content

    "1 Signals and Systems 2 Amplitude, Phase, and Group Delay 3 Pulse-Amplitude Modulation 4 State-Space Models 5 LTI State-Space Models 6 State Observers and State Feedback 7 Probabilistic Models 8 Estimation 9 Hypothesis Testing 10 Random Processes 11 Power Spectral Density 12 Signal Estimation 13 Signal Detection "

    Salient Features

    "• Thorough and interesting chapters full of information • An exploration of fundamental material in an interesting and engaging manner. • Further Reading sections at the end of each chapter help students gain further knowledge of the subject matter. • Basic, Advanced, and Extension problems that review chapter material and ask the students to test and apply their knowledge of the subject."