Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Science and Mathematics >> Chemistry >> Inorganic Chemistry

Inorganic Chemistry: Principles of Structure and Reactivity, 5/e

Inorganic Chemistry:  Principles of Structure and Reactivity,  5/e

  • James E. Huheey
  • Ellen A. Keiter
  • Richard L. Keiter
  • Okhil K. Medhi
  • Author: James E. Huheey
    • ISBN:9789356064485
    • 10 Digit ISBN:9356064482
    • Price:Rs. 1110.00
    • Pages:968
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available

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    "For nearly half a century, this impeccable text has been revered for its clear and precise explanations, thoughtfully chosen examples, superior illustrations and time-tested exercise sets. This classic in its field has been substantially revised and includes the latest findings in the discipline. Its user-friendly approach and straightforward slang, patterned on professional literature, gives students a comprehensive look at the discipline and introduces them to such exciting topics as bioinorganic chemistry and solid-state chemistry."

    Table of Content

    "*Preface *To the Student 1 What is Inorganic Chemistry? 2 The Structure of the Atom 3 Symmetry and Group Theory 4 Ionic Bonding and the Solid State 5 The Covalent Bond 6 The Structure of Molecules and Stereochemical Nonrigidity 7 Chemical Forces 8 Acid-Base Chemistry 9 Chemistry in Aqueous and Nonaqueous Solvents 10 The Chemistry of the Main Group Elements: Periodicity 11 The Chemistry of the Main Group Elements: Inorganic Chains, Rings, and Cages 12 The Chemistry of the Main Group Elements: Halogens and the Noble Gases 13 Some Descriptive Chemistry of the Metals . 14 Coordination Chemistry: Bonding 15 Coordination Chemistry: Spectra and Magnetism 16 Coordination Chemistry: Structure, Isomerism, and Stability 17 Coordination Chemistry: Reactions, Kinetics, and Mechanisms 18 Organometallic Chemistry: Syntheses, Structure, and Bonding 19 Organometallic Chemistry: Reactivity and Catalysis 20 The Inorganic Chemistry of Biological Systems Appendix A: The Literature of Inorganic Chemistry Appendix B: Units and Conversion Factors Appendix C: Atomic States and Term Symbols Appendix D: Character Tables Appendix E: Bond Energies and Bond Lengths . Appendix F: An Overview of Standard Reduction Potentials of the Elements Appendix G: Tanabe-Sugano Diagrams Appendix H: Essential and Trace Elements in Biological Systems Appendix I: IUPAC Recommendations on the Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry *Index "

    Salient Features

    "*Prepares students for current work in chemistry through its up-to-date, accurate coverage *Rewritten chapters with new sections on hydrogen as an alternative fuel,environmental aspects of main group elements, metallic nanomaterials and much more *Comprehensive coverage of bonding, solid state chemistry, organometallic chemistry and coordination chemistry *Invaluable resource for students preparing for competitive examinations"