Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Business and Economics >> Organizational Behaviors >> Organizational Behaviors

Organizational Behavior

Organizational Behavior

  • Stephen P. Robbins
  • Author: Stephen P. Robbins
    • ISBN:9789356064270
    • 10 Digit ISBN:935606427X
    • Price:Rs. 1180.00
    • Pages:796
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available

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    "The bestseller title Organizational Behavior 18e is now revised with the latest and updated. This updated 18th edition reflects the most recent research and business events within the field of organizational behavior, while maintaining its hallmark features - a clear writing style, cutting-edge content, and intuitive pedagogy. The text is lucid and makes current, relevant research come alive for readers. The book holds significance as a textbook for students of management and practicing professionals in organizations with engaging, cutting-edge material that aids to understand and connect with organizational behavior."

    Table of Content

    "1 Introduction 1 What Is Organizational Behavior? 2 The Individual 2 Diversity in Organizations 3 Attitudes and Job Satisfaction 4 Personality and Values 5 Perception, Learning, and Individual Decision Making 6 Emotions and Moods 7 Motivation Concepts 8 Motivation: From Concepts to Applications 3 The Group 9 Foundations of Group Behavior 10 Understanding Work Teams 11 Power and Politics 12 Communication 13 Leadership 14 Foundations of Organization Structure 4 The Organization System 15 Organizational Culture 16 Organizational Change and Stress Management 17 Conflict and Negotiation Appendix Research in Organizational Behavior Comprehensive Cases Glossary Name Index Organization Index Subject Index "

    Salient Features

    "1)Employability Skills Matrix to support the development of skills employers are looking for in today's business graduates. 2)Updated - Opening-Chapter Vignettes bring current business trends and events to the forefront 3)Career Objectives in every chapter provide advice, in a question-and-answer format to help students think through issues they may face in the workforce today. 4) Updated - End-of-Chapter Experiential Activities, Ethical Dilemmas, and Cases. 5)Real-world examples of organizational behavior 6) Includes latest Indian case studies and research"