Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Business and Economics >> Accounting and Finance >> Accounting and Finance

Financial Management

Financial Management

  • Jonathan Berk
  • Peter DeMarzo
  • Rama Seth
  • Author: Jonathan Berk
    • ISBN:9789356063648
    • 10 Digit ISBN:9356063648
    • Price:Rs. 1120.00
    • Pages:1116
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available

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    This text presents financial management as an application of the core concepts of the subject helping students relate theories and concepts to practice. Covering the major topical areas for introductory-level MBA students as well as the depth required in a reference textbook for upper-division courses, the text blends coverage of time-tested principles and the latest advancements with the practical perspective of the financial manager.

    Table of Content

    "• The content integrates important lessons in a series of contextual Covid-19 and Global Financial Crisis boxes. These boxes bring the relevance of the crises home to students by illustrating and analysing key details about financial crises and sovereign debt dynamics. • New centralized coverage of financial ratios in Chapter 2 in a specific section provides students with the tools to analyze financial statements. • The text introduces the Law of One Price concept as the basis for NPV and the time value of money in Chapter 3, Financial Decision Making and the Law of One Price. • Includes updated text discussions and figures, tables and facts to accurately reflect the recent developments in the field. • Several new practitioner interviews incorporate timely perspectives from the leaders in the field. "

    Salient Features

    This text presents financial management as an application of the core concepts of the subject helping students relate theories and concepts to practice. Covering the major topical areas for introductory-level MBA students as well as the depth required in a reference textbook for upper-division courses, the text blends coverage of time-tested principles and the latest advancements with the practical perspective of the financial manager.