Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Science and Mathematics >> Chemistry >> Chemistry



  • Jill Kirsten Robinson
  • Robert C. Fay
  • John E McMurry
  • Author: Jill Kirsten Robinson
    • ISBN:9789356063419
    • 10 Digit ISBN:9356063419
    • Price:Rs. 1330.00
    • Pages:744
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available

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    Robinson/McMurry/Fay's Chemistry, known for a concise and united author voice, conceptual focus, extensive worked examples, and thoroughly constructed connections between organic, biological, and general chemistry, highlights the application of chemistry to students' lives and careers. Lead author Jill Robinson strengthens the student orientation by creating more engaging, active learning opportunities for students and faculty. With the 8th Edition, Robinson draws upon her exceptional teaching skills to provide new interactive experiences that help identify and address students' preconceptions.

    Table of Content

    "Preface For Instructors 1 Chemical Tools: Experimentation and Measurement 2 Atoms, Molecules, and Ions 3 Mass Relationships in Chemical Reactions 4 Reactions in Aqueous Solution 5 Periodicity and the Electronic Structure of Atoms 6 Ionic Compounds: Periodic Trends and Bonding Theory 7 Covalent Bonding and Electron-Dot Structures 8 Covalent Compounds: Bonding Theories and Molecular Structure 9 Gases: Their Properties and Behavior 10 Liquids and Phase Changes 11 Solids and Solid-State Materials 12 Solutions and Their Properties 13 Chemical Kinetics 14 Chemical Equilibrium 15 Aqueous Equilibria: Acids and Bases 16 Applications of Aqueous Equilibria 17 Thermodynamics: Entropy, Free Energy, and Spontaneity 18 Electrochemistry 19 The Main-Group Elements 20 Transition Elements and Coordination Chemistry 21 Nuclear Chemistry 22 Organic and Biological Chemistry 23 Thermochemistry: Chemical Energy (Online Chapter)"

    Salient Features

    " New and Updated - Worked Examples provide more than any other text on the market and are tightly integrated into the text's flow and concise narrative. Updated - End-of-Chapter Problems have been reviewed and analyzed by author Jill Robinson for accuracy and to ensure each problem is tied to a learning objective in the end-of-chapter Study Guide. All End-of-Chapter problems now tie to specific examples throughout the text, supporting the intuitive flow of material. Updated - Inquiry sections highlight the importance of chemistry, promote student interest, and deepen student understanding of the content by showcasing problems that revisit several chapter concepts. Conceptual Problems: Conceptual understanding is a primary focus of this book. Conceptual problems are intended to help with the critical skill of visualizing the structure and interactions of atoms and molecules while probing the understanding of key principles rather than the ability to correctly use numbers in an equation. Excellent Pedagogy Big Idea- Questions Figure It Out- Questions Practice Problems Apply Problems Inquiry sections Conceptual Problems Key Terms Key Equations Section Problems Multiconcept Problems End-of-Chapter- Practice Test End-of-Chapter- Study Guide"