Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Business and Economics >> Business Environment >> Business Environment

Fernando's Business Environment


  • Agna Fernandez
  • Author: Agna Fernandez
    • ISBN:9789354495021
    • 10 Digit ISBN:9354495028
    • Price:Rs. 1040.00
    • Pages:452
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available

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    Business Environment integrates concepts with real-world situations and the most recent data to help readers grasp complex economic concepts, a clear understanding of which is required to comprehend the various facets of the business environment. Designed to meet the requirement of commerce, economics and management students, it presents the subject matter logically, gradually guiding the reader from elementary to complex concepts.

    Table of Content

    Part I Fundamental Concepts 1. The Functioning of an Economy: Basic Concepts 2. Business and its Environment 3. Human Resource Development 4. Capital Formation, Savings and Investment Part II Economic Systems and Policies Relating to Business 5. The Role of Public Policies in Governing Business 6. Economic, Monetary and Fiscal Policies 7. Foreign Trade Policy Part III The Economics of Development 8. The Economics of Underdevelopment 9. Economic Planning: Meaning, Evolution and Features 10. The Indian Economy Part IV Business and Society 11. Business and Society 12. Environmental Protection Corporate Social Responsibility in India 14. Business Ethics in India Part V Economic Legislations 15. The MRTP and the Competition Acts 16. FERA and FEMA Part VI The Industrial Sector 17. The Private Sector 18. The Public Sector in India 19. Globalization, MNCs and Foreign Capital in India 20. India and Intellectual Property Rights Part VII Financial Systems 21. Commercial Banking 22. Functions of the Central Bank 23. The Securities and Exchange Board of India Part VIII The External Sector 24. India and the WTO 25. The World Bank Group 26. The International Monetary Fund ONLINE CHAPTERS Part I Fundamental Concepts 1. National Income 2. Natural Resources 3. The Technological Environment 4. India's Population and Its Impact on the Economy Part II Economic Systems and Policies Relating to Business 5. Economic System and Capitalism 6. Socialism 7. Mixed Economy Part III The Economics of Development 8. The Economics of Development 9. Stages and Strategies of Economic Growth 10. Role of the State in Economic Development 11. Industrial and Licensing Policy (1951-1991) 12. The New Economic Policy, 1991 Part IV Business and Society 13. Business, Labour and Government 14. Consumer Protection 15. Investor Protection Part V Economic Legislations 16. Corporate Governance in India 17. The Industries (Development and Regulation) Act Part VI The Industrial Sector 18. Privatization of Public Sector Enterprises 19. The Joint Sector Part VII Fi ancial Systems 20. Money: Functions and Value 21. Money Markets 22. Financial Institutions 23. The Indian Capital Market 24. The Indian Stock Market

    Salient Features

    1.Provides an in-depth coverage of all conceivable topics on the subject 2. Focuses on economic development, examining the business environment from the perspective of developing economies. 3.Includes illustrative cases that enables readers to appreciate the economic problems and the issues they face in the real-world. 4.Uses learning tool such as chapter objectives, detailed chapter summaries, key words and review questions to help the reader grasp the subject matter better. 5.Online bonus chapters are provided and can be accessed from the URL: www.pearsoned.co.in/acfernando