Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Business and Economics >> Management >> Management

Business Analytics for Decision Making

Business Analytics for Decision Making

  • Regi Mathew
  • Author: Regi Mathew
    • ISBN:9789353948436
    • 10 Digit ISBN:9353948436
    • Price:Rs. 700.00
    • Pages:344
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available

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    Business Analytics is now a part and parcel of MBA curriculum of most institutions, as business organizations expect the new managers to have a basic knowledge of Analytics. There is also an emerging career opportunity for management graduates with deeper knowledge of Analytics. These professionals would be in Analytics roles, where business knowledge is critical. In this respect, this book will be a suitable textbook for students at postgraduate level. Beyond this, it will be a refresher material for working professionals.

    Table of Content

    "1 Introduction 2 Analytics Process 3 Data Preparation 4 Exploratory Data Analysis 5 Models as Decision Tools 6 Building Linear Models 7 Building Decision Trees 8 Building Categorical Response Models 9 Tool Kit for Analyst 10 Model Implementation and Maintenance "

    Salient Features

    "1. The book is structured to mimic stages of a typical Analytic process. 2. This book starts with understanding business problem, data cleaning, exploratory data analysis, model building, model implementation and evaluation. 3. An in depth explanation is provided on the concept of ‘Modeling' 4. The book contain many interesting caselet and box items discussing on interesting facts and figures relevant to the current industrial scenarios. 5. Resource material for this book includes, Instructor PPT, MCQ, Data sets and Codes for practise and set of research questions to take up mini projects."