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India’s Foreign Policy: Post-Cold War Years

India’s Foreign Policy: Post-Cold War Years

  • R.S Yadav
  • Author: R.S Yadav
    • ISBN:9789353948177
    • 10 Digit ISBN:9353948177
    • Price:Rs. 470.00
    • Pages:296
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available

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    Indian Foreign Policy: Post Cold War Years is being presented with an objective that students, researcher, policymakers, journalists, and common readers can understand the general trends of India's outlook towards the world in present times. This volume depicts a common framework along with general trends so that an overview of India's foreign policy is available for the readers. The present volume is an effort to provide an exhaustive, innovative and authoritative explanation, and critique on major trends and tendencies of India's foreign policy in the post-Cold War period.

    Table of Content

    "I Introduction 1. New Foreign Policy Orientations II Theorizing Change in the Post-Cold War 2. Changing Foreign Policy Dynamics 3. Paradigm Shift: Non- Alignment to Globalization III Towards Power Centers 4. Indo-US Relations: Changing Contour 5. Relations with Russia: Emerging Strategic Partnership 6. Relations with Australia: Emerging Co-Operation 7. Relations with Japan: Strengthening Convergences IV Neighbours and Extended Neighbourhood 8. Neighbourhood Policy: Changing Trends 9. Relations with China: Reviewing Bandung Spirit 10. Relations with Pakistan: Efforts Towards Confidence Building 11. Relations with Iran: Energy Co-operation 12. Relations with Central Asian Republics: Look North Policy 13. Indo-Pacific Region: Exploring New Horizons V New initiatives and Concerns 14. Role in UN Peacekeeping 15. Energy Security Concerns 16. Foreign Direct Investments Policy VI New Beginning 17. India as Rising Power: Opportunities and Constraints 18. Modi's Foreign Policy: New Initiatives and Challenges "

    Salient Features

    "• Fresh relook and in-depth analysis of India's foreign policy in the post-Cold War years. • Provides a sound overview of the present-day concerns and orientations of India's foreign policy at one place. • Lends a complete overview of India's new trajectory in foreign affairs after the end of Cold War. • Covers multifaceted dimensions of India's foreign policy and the policy initiatives taken by the present government. • Departure from the nostalgic past of non-alignment to multi-alliances has been explained in greater details across all the chapters. "