Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Business and Economics >> Management >> Management

Strategic Compensation

Strategic Compensation

  • Joseph J Martocchio
  • Author: Joseph J Martocchio
    • ISBN:9789353945947
    • 10 Digit ISBN:9353945941
    • Price:Rs. 750.00
    • Pages:424
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available

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    Strategic Compensation: A Human Resource Management Approach demonstrates the art and science of compensation practice and its role in a company's competitive advantage. Through focused activities and supporting course material, students build a solid foundation to become proficient compensation professionals. The 10th Edition focuses on the context of compensation practice, the criteria used to compensate employees, compensation system design issues, employee benefits, the challenges of compensating key strategic employee groups, and pay and benefits around the world. With this text, students gain the knowledge and skills they need to assume the role of successful compensation professionals in the field.

    Table of Content

    "PART I: SETTING THE STAGE FOR STRATEGIC COMPENSATION 1. Strategic Compensation: A Component of Human Resource Systems 2. Contextual Influences on Compensation Practice PART: II BASES FOR PAY 3. Traditional Bases for Pay: Seniority and Merit 4. Incentive Pay 5. Person-Focused Pay PART III: DESIGNING COMPENSATION SYSTEMS 6. Building Internally Consistent Compensation Systems 7. Building Market-Competitive Compensation Systems 8. Building Pay Structures that Recognize Employee Contributions PART IV: EMPLOYEE BENEFITS 9. Discretionary Benefits 10. Legally Required Benefits PART V: CONTEMPORARY STRATEGIC COMPENSATION CHALLENGES 11. Compensating Executives 12. Compensating the Flexible Workforce: Contingent Employees and Flexible Work Schedules PART VI: COMPENSATION ISSUES AROUND THE WORLD 13. Compensating Expatriates 14. Pay and Benefits outside the United States Epilogue: Challenges Facing Compensation Professionals "

    Salient Features

    Company examples fromApple Computer, Boeing, Uber, and Wyeth Pharmaceuticals appear throughout the book, bringing discussions of compensation practices to life. 39 concepts and practices maintain the book's position on leading-edge knowledge and practice. Examples include definitive proxy statements, point factor leveling, and the CEO pay-ratio rule.