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Introduction to Biotechnology

Introduction to Biotechnology

  • William Thieman
  • Michael A. Palladino
  • Author: William Thieman
    • ISBN:9789353945350
    • 10 Digit ISBN:9353945356
    • Price:Rs. 1050.00
    • Pages:448
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available

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    Introduction to Biotechnology brings the latest information and emphasizes the future of biotechnology and the biotechnology student's role with balanced coverage of basic cell and molecular biology, fundamental techniques, historical accounts, new advances, and hands-on applications. The 4th Edition features content updates in every chapter that reflect the most relevant, up-to-date changes in technology, applications, ethical issues, and regulations. Additionally, every chapter now includes an analytic Case Study that highlights current research and asks students to use what they've learned about key chapter concepts to answer questions.

    Table of Content

    "1. The Biotechnology Century and Its Workforce 2. An Introduction to Genes and Genomes 3. Recombinant DNA Technology and Genomics 4. Proteins as Products 5. Microbial Biotechnology 6. Plant Biotechnology 7. Animal Biotechnology 8. DNA Fingerprinting and Forensic Analysis 9. Bioremediation 10. Aquatic Biotechnology 11. Medical Biotechnology 12. International Biotechnology Regulations 13. Ethics and Biotechnology Appendix I: Answers to Questions Appendix II: The 20 Amino Acids of Proteins Glossary

    Salient Features

    "1. Coverage of recent research and developments includes discussions of gene editing approaches like CRISPR, precision medicine, immunotherapies, biosimilar drugs, transgenic crops, 3D bioprinting of tissues and organs, the Human Microbiome Project, and the Cancer Atlas Genome Project. 2. Tools of the Trade Boxes provide details on modern techniques and methods related to each chapter's content and the biotech industry. 3. Making a Difference inspires and engages students by discussing how real people, real companies, and real organizations are putting biotech to use to improve the quality of life. 4. Forecasting the Future begins each chapter and highlights biotechnology-driven questions that have yet to be answered, are in the process of being researched, or are topics/research/policy that are under development and will have an impact on our future. 5. 18 New - “You Decide” activities provide expanded coverage of ethics based on contemporary ethical issues. Thirty-seven “You Decide” boxes, integrated across all chapters, stimulate ethical discussion by giving students information relating to the social and ethical implications of biotechnology and regulations and asking students to grapple with open-ended questions. "