Reinforced Concrete Design
Reinforced Concrete Design integrates current building and material codes with realis??c examples to give readers a prac??cal understanding of this field and the work of its engineers. Using a step-by-step solu??on format, the text takes a fundamental, ac??ve-learning approach to analyzing the design, strength, and behavior of reinforced concrete members and simple reinforced concrete structural systems. Content throughout the 9th edi??on conforms to the latest version of ACI-318 Code. It expands discussion of several common design elements and prac??ce issues, and includes more end-of-chapter problems reflec??ng real-world design projects."
Table of Content
"1. Materials and Mechanics of Bending, Concrete Slab Systems and Gravity Load Distribution in Concrete Slab Systems
2. Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Beams and Slabs: Tension Steel Only, Slabs-on-Grade
3. Reinforced Concrete Beams: T-Beams and Doubly Reinforced Beams
4. Shear and Torsion in Beams, and Corbels and Brackets
5. Development, Splices, and Simple Bar Cut-offs, Structural Integrity Reinforcement
6. Continuous Construction Design Considerations
7. Serviceability: Deflections, Cracking, and Floor Vibrations
8. Structural Walls — Retaining Walls, Basement Walls, Bearing Walls, and Shear Walls
9. Columns: Axial Load plus Bending, Biaxial Bending, and Slender Columns
10. Foundations: Spread Footings, Strip Footings, Combined Footings, Eccentrically Loaded Footings, Strap Footings
11. Prestressed Concrete Fundamentals
12. Concrete Formwork
13. Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures
14. Practical Considerations in the Design of Reinforced Concrete Buildings"
Salient Features
1. Focus on the latest standards in concrete design and practice
2. Practical, real-world applications
3. Preparation for engineering work"