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Network Analysis, Revised

Network Analysis, Revised

  • Van Valkenburg
  • T.S Rathore
  • Author: Van Valkenburg
    • ISBN:9789353433123
    • 10 Digit ISBN:9353433126
    • Price:Rs. 770.00
    • Pages:724
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available

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    After almost four decades of waiting, Pearson presents the revised third edition of its best-selling title on Network Analysis. This book has been revamped to have a perfect blend of engineering and mathematical approach. Throughout the book, the discussion starts with the analysis of simplest circuit and gradually moves on to more complicated circuits, i.e., R to RL, RC and RLC circuits, single node to multiple nodes circuits, from circuit with independent voltage and current sources to circuits which also include dependent sources. It comprehensively covers diverse range of topics in the eld of electric networks (or circuits) which is considered to be the foundation of electrical engineering such as the Nyquist criterion, Tellegan's theorem, the Gauss elimination method, Thevenin's and Norton's theorems, the Routh Hurwitz criterion, and Fourier transforms. Problems and suggested digital computer exercises are provided at the end of each chapter.

    Table of Content

    Chapter 1 Development of the Circuit Concept Chapter 2 Conventions for Describing Circuits Chapter 3 methods of Analysis Chapter 4 response of First Order Circuits Chapter 5 initial Conditions in Circuits Chapter 6 response of Higher Order Circuits Chapter 7 response of Circuits Through Laplace Transform Chapter 8 response to Other Signals Chapter 9 circuit Functions and Theorems Chapter 10 circuit Functions; Poles and Zeros Chapter 11 t wo-port Parameters Chapter 12 sinusoidal Steady-state Analysis Chapter 13 frequency Response Plots Chapter 14 input Power, Power Transfer, and Insertion Loss Chapter 15 fourier Series and Signal spectra Chapter 16 fourier Integral and Continuous Spectra"

    Salient Features

    ENRICHED CONTENT 1. Includes new types of source transformations, namely, voltage to current, current to voltage, voltage to voltage and current to current . 2. One-step and one-circuit analysis is given for obtaining Thevenin/Norton equivalent circuits. 3. Discusses detailed analysis of three phase circuits. ENHANCED PEDAGOGY 1. 100+ new solved examples added throughout the book 2. 100+ unsolved chapter-end problems added 3. 100+ multiple choice questions included at the end of the book"