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Human Relations: Interpersonal Job-Oriented Skills, 12/e

Human Relations:  Interpersonal Job-Oriented Skills,  12/e

  • Andrew J DuBrin
  • Author: Andrew J DuBrin
    • ISBN:9789353066963
    • 10 Digit ISBN:9353066964
    • Price:Rs. 840.00
    • Pages:472
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available

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    Accomplished author and national speaker, Andrew J. DuBrin brings his expertise of Human Relations and Business Psychology to this exciting Twelfth edition. Focusing on today's work environment, the book takes a two-pronged approach that improves interpersonal skills by first presenting basic concepts and then by featuring a heavy component of skill development and self-assessment. Human Relations: Job-Oriented Skills 12e is not just a textbook. The twelfth edition includes a wealth of experiential exercises, including new cases and self-assessment quizzes that can be completed in class or as homework.


    Table of Content

    1. A Framework for Interpersonal Skill Development
    2. Understanding Individual Differences
    3. Building Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence
    4. Interpersonal Communication
    5. Interpersonal Skills for the Digital World
    6. Developing Teamwork Skills
    7. Group Problem Solving and Decision Making
    8. Cross-Cultural Relations and Diversity
    9. Resolving Conflicts with Others
    10. Becoming an Effective Leader
    11. Motivating Others
    12. Helping Others Develop and Grow
    13. Positive Political Skills
    14. Customer Satisfaction Skills
    15. Enhancing Ethical Behavior
    16. Stress Management and Personal Productivity
    17. Job Search and Career Management Skills

    Salient Features

    Self-Assessment Quizzes give students the opportunity to explore their own opinions, feelings, and behaviors patterns related to chapter topics. All chapters include one or more self-assessment quizzes.
    Job-Oriented Interpersonal Skills in Action in selected chapters illustrate a  human relations business practice in today's business world.
    Skill Building Exercises provide students with opportunities to apply concepts at the point at which they are being discussed in the textbook.
    Following a listing of the chapter learning objectives, all chapters begin with a case scenario that deals with the chapter topic and sets the stage for the chapter narrative.
    Two Human Relations Case Studies put students into a realistic scenario so that they can practice making decisions in tough situations
    Interpersonal Skills Role-Play exercises provide students with the opportunity to develop personal insight through interactive exercises.