Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Business and Economics >> Management >> Management

Strategic Human Resource Management and Development

Strategic Human Resource Management and Development

  • Ekta Sharma
  • Author: Ekta Sharma
    • ISBN:9789353065621
    • 10 Digit ISBN:9353065623
    • Price:Rs. 720.00
    • Pages:368
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available


    The book discusses in detail the concepts starting from Strategic Human Resource Acquisition to the development and retention of these assets. The book explores how the traditional theories and practices of Human Resource management are responding to emerging technological and organizational realities and touches upon the novel concepts in the field of HR like Work place analytics, HR Outsourcing, High Performing Work Systems.


    Table of Content

    1 Strategic Human Resource Management-An Overview
    2 An Investment Perspective of SHRM
    3 The Human Resource Environment
    4 Formulating Strategy: Aligning HR Strategy to the Organisational Strategy
    5 Work Force Planning
    6 Implementation of Strategy: Hiring to Firing
    7 High Performance Work Systems
    8 HR Metrics
    9 HR Outsourcing
    10 Strategic Alliance: Role of HR
    11 HR Branding

    Salient Features

    Rich pedagogical features include chapter objectives, chapter-opening case studies, real-world examples, summary, review questions, skill-development exercises, and chapter-ending cases.
    Skill-development exercises such as student assignments appear at the end of each chapter and allow readers to participate in a real-life situation and apply learning from the chapter.
    Industry and Research Insights to help student understand the real- time market environment
    Comprehensive case study at the end of the book to visualize the whole of Strategic Human Resource Management
    Interviews of HR professionals, primarily from Indian companies.
    Online resources Instructor resources are uploaded for the ease of class room discussions