Indian Political System 4/e, dabbles with the post-colonial political system in India which is premised on two major reconciliations between democracy and capitalism, on one hand, and parliamentarianism and federalism, on the other. These are the results of complexities and diversities of India's culture and social structure as also the ideological consensus forged during the nationalist movement and after independence.
In the past seventy years, both capitalism and democracy have expanded and deepened in the inner-most regions ringing in modernities among the citizens. The social movements, the electoral process, the market, the institutions and the governmentality have been instrumental in such development. It has resulted into change in social structure, party system, federal relations, and in government policies towards education, health, agriculture, industries, etc.
In a nutshell, the book deals with the social-institutional structure, political process, governmental policies, and emerging social-political trends.