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International Business: A Managerial Perspective, 8/e

International Business:  A Managerial Perspective,  8/e

  • Ricky W Griffin
  • Michael Pustay
  • Author: Ricky W Griffin
    • ISBN:9789352861781
    • 10 Digit ISBN:9352861787
    • Price:Rs. 910.00
    • Pages:624
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available

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    For International Business courses.

    Successfully prepare students for the international marketplace.

    International Business illustrates how successful managers must function in a competitive world. Packed with current examples that reflect the vibrancy of the international business field, this student-friendly text offers a managerial approach that keeps an emphasis on skills development, emerging markets and geographical literacy."


    Table of Content




    About the Authors


    I. The World's Marketplaces

    1. An Overview of International Business

    2. Global Marketplaces and Business Centers

    3. Legal, Technological, Accounting, and Political Environments

    4. The Role of Culture

    5. Ethics and Social Responsibility in International Business


    II. The International Environment

    6. International Trade and Investment

    7. The International Monetary System and the Balance of Payments

    8. Foreign Exchange and International Financial Markets

    9. Formulation of National Trade Policies

    10. International Cooperation Among Nations


    III. Managing International Business

    11. International Strategic Management

    12. Strategies for Analyzing and Entering Foreign Markets

    13. International Strategic Alliances

    14. International Organization Design and Control

    15. Leadership and Employee Behavior in International Business


    IV. Managing International Business Operations

    16. International Marketing

    17. International Operations Management

    18. International Financial Management

    19. International Human Resource Management and Labor Relations



    Name Index

    Company Index

    Subject Index"

    Salient Features

    "Provide a Thorough Understanding of Emerging Markets
    Cultural savvy for international success: This text greatly emphasizes cultural literacy and gives students the tools to effectively communicate with foreign business representatives. From understanding the visiting executive of a French multinational corporation to analyzing the impact of trade negotiations with Mexico, this text has the cultural insight to prepare your students for success.
    Provide a thorough understanding of emerging markets: In today's world, it's crucial to have a thorough foundation of the growing importance of emerging markets, especially China and India. The emerging markets theme is introduced in Chapter 1, carried forward in later chapters wherever appropriate, and reinforced in numerous cases, boxed inserts, and end-of-chapter questions and exercises.
    Five Content Boxes that highlight coverage of current issues: In relation to technology, entrepreneurship, and doing business with a global perspective this text features the following:
    Venturing Abroad: Exposes students to the opportunities and challenges of conducting business outside their home country.
    E-World: Provides insight into the impact of e-commerce on how business is conducted internationally.
    Point Counterpoint: Helps students see issues from different perspectives.
    Bringing the World into Focus: Helps students understand the historical, cultural, and political contexts of international business.
    Emerging Opportunities: Highlights challenges and opportunities in emerging international markets."