Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Engineering and Computer Science >> Civil and Environmental Engineering >> Civil and Environmental Engineering

Strength of Materials

Strength of Materials

  • U. C. Jindal
  • Author: U. C. Jindal
    • ISBN:9789352861521
    • 10 Digit ISBN:9352861523
    • Price:Rs. 1200.00
    • Pages:888
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available

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    Pearson introduces the second edition of Strength of Materials - a complete offering for the undergraduate students of mechanical and civil engineering. Using a simple and student-friendly approach, this text provides a comprehensive treatment of the fundamental concepts and principles supported by a large number of line-diagrams and figures. Apt for self-study by the students, the book lays down a strong foundation for problem- solving abilities in strength of materials.

    Table of Content

    "1. Simple Stresses and Strains
    2. Elastic Constants
    3. Principal Stresses and Strains
    4. Strain Energy and Impact Loading
    5. Centre of Gravity and Moment of
    6. Shear Force and Bending Moment
    7. Bending Stresses in Beams
    8. Shear Stresses in Beams
    9. Direct and Bending Stresses
    10. Dams and Retaining walls
    11. Analysis of Perfect Frames
    12. Defl ection of Beams
    13. Defl ection of Cantilevers
    14. Conjugate Beam Method, Propped
    Cantilevers and Beams
    15. Fixed and Continuous Beams
    16. Torsion of Shafts and Springs
    17. Thin Cylinders and Spheres
    18. Thick Cylinders and spheres
    19. Columns and struts
    20. Riveted joints
    21. Welded joints
    22. Rotating Discs and Cylinders
    23. Bending of Curved Bars
    24. Theories of Failure"

    Salient Features

    •Balanced approach between theory and numericals with concepts explained in detailed.
    • Advanced concepts such as three dimensional stresses, the theory of simple bending, theories of failure, mechanical properties, material testing and engineering materials.
    • Excellent Pedagogy including questions from previous year question papers of Indian universities.
    • Step-by-step methodology provided for solved examples.
    • Over 700 figures to help in better understanding of concepts"