Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Engineering >> Electrical Engineering >> Electrical Engineering

Electrical Machine Design

Electrical Machine Design

  • V Rajini
  • V S Nagarajan
  • Author: V Rajini
    • ISBN:9789332585577
    • 10 Digit ISBN:9332585571
    • Price:Rs. 770.00
    • Pages:648
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available


    Electrical Machine Design caters to the requirements of undergraduate and postgraduate students of electrical engineering and industry novices.

    The authors have adopted a flow chart based approach to explain the subject.  This enables an in-depth understanding of the design of different types of electrical machines with an appropriate introduction to basic design considerations and the magnetic circuits involved. The book aids students to prepare for various competitive exams through objective questions, worked-out examples, and review questions in increasing order of difficulty. MATLAB and C programs and Finite Element simulations using MotorSolve, featured in the text offers a profound new perspective in understanding of automated design of electrical machines.


    Table of Content

    About the Authors
    1. Basic Design Considerations of Electrical Machines
    2. Design of Magnetic Circuits
    3. Design of Transformer
    4. Design of Three-phase Induction Motor
    5. Design of Single-phase Induction Motor
    6. Design of Synchronous Machine
    7. DC Machine
    8. Computer-aided Design and Analysis of Electric Motors

    Salient Features

    •         Detailed coverage of the design aspects of Transformers, DC and AC machines
    •         An entire chapter devoted to Finite Element Analysis based Computer Aided Design of Electrical Machines using MotorSolve
    •         Over 300 MCQs and 600 end-of-chapter review questions and exercises
    •         Associated simulation files are available on the Companion Web site