The books available in the market on the subject provide well written and simple explanations of some of the widely used and rapidly developing psychological assessments which are likely to affect psychometric practices in the 21st
century.                                                                                                                                                                                             Psychometric testing in India has seen a multifarious growth in recent times. Earlier, these tests were widely used as diagnostic tools in clinical, therapeutic, and social context. However, psychometric tests are now being used by all types
of organization, from educational to professional, for the purpose of ion of candidates or employees and to provide them with development opportunities by understanding their requirement for training and testing the knowledge acquired
This revised version provides information about the ethical and social considerations of using psychological assessments in the Indian context which serves as an added advantage as these aspects are rarely mentioned in the other books. Moreover, the information on the Indian psychological agencies and best practices in the domain of psychometrics are also included. To conclude, this Indian adaptation of Psychological Testing provides a good blend of global and indigenous examples to explain the technical concepts of psychological testing. This edition hopes to increase recognition and acceptance of psychological testing, equip the readers with right tools and technologies, and encourage further growth in psychometric testing in the immediate future.