Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Engineering and Computer Science >> Mechanical Engineering >> Mechanical Engineering



  • Keith R. Symon
  • Author: Keith R. Symon
    • ISBN:9789332573918
    • 10 Digit ISBN:9332573913
    • Price:Rs. 1160.00
    • Pages:656
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available

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    This text is intended as the basis for an intermediate course in mechanics at the undergraduate level. Such a course, as essential preparation for advanced work in physics, has several major objectives. It must develop in the student a thorough understanding of the fundamental principles of mechanics. It should treat in detail certain specific problems of primary importance in physics, for example, the harmonic oscillator and the motion of a particle under a central force

    Table of Content

     1. Elements of Newtonian Mechanics.

    2. Motion of a Particle in One Dimension.

    3. Motion of a Particle in Two or Three Dimensions.

    4. The Motion of a System of Particles.

    5. Rigid Bodies.

    Rotation about an Axis.


    6. Gravitation.

    7. Moving Coordinate Systems.

    8. Introduction to the Mechanics of Continuous Media.

    9. Lagrange's Equations.

    10. Tensor Algebra.

    11. Inertia and Stress Tensors.

    The Rotation of a Rigid Body.

    12. Theory of Small Vibrations.

    13. Basic Postulates of the Special Theory of Relativity.

    Relativistic Dynamics.


    Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems.

    Salient Features