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Transportation Engineering

Transportation Engineering

  • C. Jotin Khisty
  • B. Kent Lall
  • Author: C. Jotin Khisty
    • ISBN:9789332569706
    • 10 Digit ISBN:9332569703
    • Price:Rs. 950.00
    • Pages:840
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available

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    Pearson brings to you the third edition of Transportation Engineering, which offers students and practitioners a detailed, current, and interdisciplinary introduction to transportation engineering and planning. This much praised and widely recommended text has been revered for its wide spectrum coverage encompassing both traditional principles—traffic engineering, transportation planning and non-traditional considerations transportation economics, land use, energy, public transport, transportation systems management.


    Table of Content

    1. Transportation as a System
     2. Transportation Economics
     3. The Land-Use/Transportation System
     4. Vehicle and Human Characteristics
     5. Traffic Flow Characteristics
    6. Geometric Design of Highways
     7. Highway Capacity
     8. Intersection Control and Design
     9. At-Grade Intersection Capacity and Level of Service
    10. Public Passenger Transportation
    11. Urban Transportation Planning
    12. Local Area Traffic Management
    13. Energy Issues Connected with Transportation
    14. TSM Planning: Framework
    15. Evaluation of Transportation Improvement
    16. Transportation Safety"

    Salient Features

    • The text is built on ideas, concepts, and observations that students are likely to be most familiar with, e.g., roads, streets, highways, buses, bicyclists, pedestrians and so on.
    • Organization of the book and individual chapters has been carefully planned for easy transition from one to another.
    • Quantitative and policy-oriented topics are incorporated, each supported by numerous worked examples and problems of varying complexity.
    • Appendix on Statistics for Transportation Engineers provided for easy reference.
    • Examples and exercises that illustrate real-world problems and require creativity and critical thinking."