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Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases

Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases

  • Manuel G. Velasquez
  • Author: Manuel G. Velasquez
    • ISBN:9789332560093
    • 10 Digit ISBN:9332560099
    • Price:Rs. 820.00
    • Pages:495
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available

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    Business Ethics: Concepts and Cases, 7e, has been a widely popular textbook on business ethics among students because of its accessible style and lucid explanations of complex theories and concepts. Into its seventh edition, it has been revised to reflect the changes in technologies, organizational forms, and managerial practices. This edition incorporates a number of valuable and exciting pedagogical devices to increase student's engagement and improve their performance.  

    New to this Edition:

    &bull Revised discussions of topics: Moral Reasoning, Corporate Social Responsibility Impediments to Moral Behavior, The Influence of Unconscious Processes on Moral Behavior, Globalization, Technology, Predatory Pricing, The Fraud Triangle Sustainability, The Value of Work, Recent Business Scandals, and much more

    &bull New cases in the Indian context: The Maggi Fiasco for Nestle, Gaining Business and Market Edge—the Britannia Way, Caring for the Needy in Difficult Times—Ethical Dilemma, Job Discrimination—an Ugly Side of Professionalism, Rewarding Ethical Employees

    &bull Updated graphs and charts, new pictures, and other visual materials

    &bull Study questions at the beginning of each chapter

    &bull Summaries in the margin of all the basic ideas discussed in the text


    Table of Content

    Part 1: Basic Principles
    CHAPTER 1: Ethics and Business
    CHAPTER 2: Ethical Principles in Business

    Part 2: The Market and Business

    CHAPTER 3: The Business System: Government, Markets,
    and International Trade
    CHAPTER 4: Ethics in the Marketplace

    Part 3: Business and Its External Exchanges:
    Ecology and Consumers

    CHAPTER 5: Ethics and the Environment
    CHAPTER 6: The Ethics of Consumer Production and Marketing

    Part 4: Ethics and Employees
    CHAPTER 7: The Ethics of Job Discrimination
    CHAPTER 8: Ethics and the Employee


    Salient Features