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Psychology (Adaptation) Four Colour: Indian Subcontinent Edition, 5/e

Psychology (Adaptation) Four Colour:  Indian Subcontinent Edition,  5/e

  • Robert A. Baron
  • Author: Robert A. Baron
    • ISBN:9789332558540
    • 10 Digit ISBN:933255854X
    • Price:Rs. 900.00
    • Pages:680
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available


    This book tries to provide an in-depth introduction to the field of psychology. It introduces basic concepts, theories and methods used in psychology—the study of mental life and behavior. It adopts the stance of objective science committed to uncover the truth about human behavior. The text has been organized to help understand key concepts and ideas in a manner conducive to give an overview while keeping it interesting for the readers.

    Table of Content

    About the Authors
    Evolution and Growth of  Modern Psychology

    Chapter-1  Psychology: A Science and a Perspective

    Chapter-2  Biology, Culture, and Human Behavior

    Chapter-3  Sensation and Perception: Making Contact with the World around Us

    Chapter-4  States of Consciousness

    Chapter-5  Learning: How We're Changed by Experience

    Chapter-6  Memory: Of Things Remembered…. and Forgotten

    Chapter-7  Cognition: Thinking, Deciding, Communicating

    Chapter-8  Human Development I: The Childhood Years

    Chapter-9  Human Development II: Adolescence, Adulthood,  and Aging

    Chapter-10  Motivation and Emotion

    Chapter-11  Intelligence: Cognitive, Practical, and Emotional

    Chapter-12  Personality: Uniqueness and Consistency in the Behavior of Individuals

    Chapter-13  Health, Stress, and Coping

    Chapter-14  Mental Disorders: Their Nature and Causes

    Chapter-15  Therapies: Techniques for Alleviating Mental Disorders

    Chapter-16  Social Thought and Social Behavior

    Salient Features

    • Research Methods covers integrated psychological research processes allowing readers to see how  psychologists approach and investigate important concepts.

    • Beyond the Headlines focuses on news headlines from all over the world illustrating varied perspectives about how the human mind works.

    • Making Psychology Part of Your Life demonstrates how readers can apply the presented theories into practice.

    • Updated references and examples provide a cross-cultural outlook to bridge the gap between Western and Indian studies in psychology.

    • Review Questions, Margin Glossary and Chapter Summaries enable learners to develop critical thinking skills required for this discipline.

    • Critical Thinking Questions at the end of each chapter facilitate the development of interpretative skills needed for this discipline.