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Introduction to Hydrology

Introduction to Hydrology

  • Warren Viessman
  • Gary L. Lewis
  • Author: Warren Viessman
    • ISBN:9789332555297
    • 10 Digit ISBN:933255529X
    • Price:Rs. 900.00
    • Pages:624
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available

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    For students who expect to become involved in programs that are concerned with the development, management and protection of water resources.

    The Fifth Edition of Introduction to Hydrology has been redesigned to better acquaint future water engineers, scientists and managers with the basic elements of the hydrologic cycle. Its focus is on presenting the principles of hydrology in the context of their application to real-world problems. The book identifies data sources, introduces statistical analyses in the context of hydrologic problem-solving, covers the components of the hydrologic budget, discusses hydrograph analysis and routing, and introduces groundwater hydrology, urban hydrology, hydrologic models and hydrologic design. Many solved examples and problems serve to amplify the concepts presented in the text. Computer applications are discussed and appropriate Web addresses are provided.


    Table of Content

    1. Introduction.
    Hydrology Defined. The Hydrologic Cycle. The Hydrologic Budget. Hydrologic Models. Applications.
    2. Hydrologic Measurements and Data Sources.
    Units Of Measurement. Hydrologic Data. Hydrologic Measurements. Data Networks and Telemetry. Urban Runoff Monitoring. Groundwater Monitoring. National Water Data Exchange.
    3. Statistical Methods In Hydrology.
    Random Variables and Statistics. Probability Distributions. Distribution Statistics. Probability Applications: Frequency and Return Period. Types of Probability Distribution Functions. Continuous Probability Distribution Functions. Frequency Analysis. Flow Duration Analysis. Linear Regression and Correlation.
    4. Precipitation.
    Water Vapor. Precipitation. Distribution of Precipitation. Point Precipitation. Areal Precipitation. Probable Maximum Precipitation. Gross and Net Precipitation. Precipitation Frequency Analysis. Snow Accumulation.
    5. Interception and Depression Storage.
    Interception. Throughfall. Depression Storage.
    6. Evaporation and Transpiration.
    Evaporation. Estimating Evaporation. Evaporation Control. Transpiration. Transpiration Control. Evapotranspiration. Estimating Evapotranspiration.
    7. Infiltration.
    Measuring Infiltration. Calculation of Infiltration. Horton's Infiltration Model. Green-Ampt Model. Huggins-Monke Model. Holtan Model. Recovery of Infiltration Capacity. Temporal and Spatial Variability of Infiltration Capacity. SCS Runoff Curve Number Procedure. PHI Index.
    8. Surface Water Hydrology.
    Streamflow. Runoff. Floods and Droughts. Snowmelt Hydrology.
    9. Hydrographs.
    Hydrograph Components. Hydrograph Time Relationships. Unit Hydrographs. Synthetic Unit Hydrographs. Hydrograph Routing.
    10. Groundwater Hydrology.
    Introduction. Groundwater Flow. Flow to Wells. Saltwater Intrusion. Groundwater Basin Development. Regional Groundwater Models. Joint Surface-Water-Groundwater Systems.
    11. Urban Hydrology.
    Approaches to Urban Hydrology. Effects of Urbanization on Runoff. Peak Flow Methods for Urban Areas. Urban Hydrograph Methods and Models. Vendor-Developed Urban Stormwater Software.
    12. Hydrologic Simulation and Streamflow Synthesis.
    Hydrologic Simulation Overview. Single-Event Rainfall-Runoff Models. Continuous Simulation Models. Groundwater Flow Simulation Models. Streamflow Synthesis.
    13. Hydrology in Design.
    Hydraulic Structure Design Methods. Hydrologic Design Data. Hydrologic Design Standards and Criteria. Synthesizing Design Storms. Urban Storm Drainage Design. Airport Drainage Design. Detention Storage Design.

    Salient Features

    NEW - Topical organization—Covers underlying principles of hydrology in chapters 1 - 10 while chapters 11 - 13 cover application of these principles to practical problems in the field.
    Provides logical course development and basis for advanced studies in hydrology.
    NEW - Comprehensive coverage.
    Covers all aspects of the hydrologic cycle, and the manner in which they may be modified to deal with floods, droughts, potable water supply and urban drainage. Chapters 1, 4-8, and 10 cover the key components of the hydrologic cycle and chapters 11 - 13 and section 10.6 cover measures that can be taken to develop and control water.
    Numerous solved examples—Using both English and metric units.
    Enhances student comprehension and aids in homework and test preparation.
    Presentation of hydrologic models and modeling.
    Provides practice-oriented experiences for students and demonstrates how the basic hydrologic processes can be incorporated into engineering designs and water resources management processes.