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Transportation Engineering and Planning

Transportation Engineering and Planning

  • P.D. Prevedouros
  • C.S. Papacostas
  • Author: P.D. Prevedouros
    • ISBN:9789332555150
    • 10 Digit ISBN:933255515X
    • Price:Rs. 860.00
    • Pages:686
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available

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    For a course in transportation engineering in the Civil Engineering Department.

    This detailed, interdisciplinary introduction to transportation engineering serves as a comprehensive text as well as a frequently cited reference. It begins with the basic sciences, mathematics, and engineering mechanics, and gradually introduces new concepts concerning societal context, geometric design, human factors, traffic engineering, and simulation, transportation planning, evaluation.


    Table of Content

    1. Introduction and Background.
    The Transportation System. Transportation System Classification. The Role of Government. Tools and Applications.

    2. Roadway Design.
    Equations of Motions. Human Factors. Geometric Design of Highways. Pavement Structures.

    3. Traffic Stream Flow Models.
    Vehicular Stream Models. Stream Variables. Vehicular Stream Equations and Diagrams. Stream Measurements: The Moving-Observer Method. Shock Waves in Traffic.

    4. Capacity and Level of Service Analysis.
    Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities. Transit Systems: Uninterrupted Flow. Transit System: Interrupted Flow. Highways: Uninterrupted Flow. Highways: Interrupted Flow. Capacity of Signalized Intersections. Traffic Data Collection Methods. Capacity Analysis of Unsignalized Intersections.


    5. Transportation Modes.
    Modes. Intercity Passenger Travel. Comparisons among Modes and Countries.

    6. Urban and Intelligent Transportation Systems.
    Development of Cities and Transportation Modes. Urban Transportation Modes. Urban Transportation Issues. Intelligent Transportation Systems.

    7. Transportation Planning.
    Historical Development in the United States. Development of a Formal Planning Process. Planning Studies and Methods. Other Planning Issues.

    8. Travel-Demand Forecasting.
    Trip Generation. Trip Distribution. Mode Choice. Trip Assignment. Transport Behavior of Individuals and Households. Other Demand-Forecasting Models.

    9. Traffic Impact and Parking Studies.
    Traffic Impact Studies. Parking Studies.

    10. Air Quality, Noise, and Energy Impacts.
    Air Pollution. Noise Generation. Energy Consumption.

    11. Evaluation and Choice.
    Feasibility and Impact Enumeration. Engineering Economic Analysis. Effectiveness Analysis.


    12. Elements of Engineering Economy.
    Money and Its Time Value. Interest and Discount. Simple and Compound Interest. Nominal and Effective Interest Rates. Discrete and Continuous Compounding. Cash Flows. Equal Series of Payments. Superposition of Cash Flows.

    13. Probability and Statistics.

    Elements of Probability Theory. Experimental Data and Model Parameters. Linear and Nonlinear Regression. Hypothesis Testing and Model Evaluation.

    14. Queuing and Simulation.
    Queuing Models. Computer Simulation.

    15. Transportation Software.
    Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Traffic Simulation Software. Capacity Software: HCS, SIDRA, and Others. Planning Software: EMME/2, QRS II, TRANPLAN, MINUTP, TP+, TRANSCAD, TRANSIMS.

    Appendix A: 1982 Guidelines for the Preparation of Environmental Documents.

    Salient Features

    NEW - --Restructured--Organized in four main sections: DESIGN AND OPERATION (includes basic engineering principles, geometric design, human factors and traffic engineering); SYSTEMS (includes transportation modes, urban transportation, intelligent transportation systems [ITS], transportation planning and forecasting); IMPACTS (includes traffic impact studies, noise and pollution, and evaluation of transportation alternatives); and SUPPORTING ELEMENTS (such as economics, statistics, probability, queuing and software for traffic simulation and transportation analysis).
    NEW - --Updated coverage on Transportation Modes.
    NEW - --Updated coverage on Urban Systems--With extensive coverage of Intelligent Transportation Systems and the Quantification of Congestion.
    NEW - --Expanded Capacity Analyses--Of bikeway, freeway, intersection, pedestrian and transit facilities based on HCM 2000.
    NEW - --Coverage of Traffic Calming and basic Roundabouts.
    NEW - --Extensive coverage of transportation software
    NEW - --Expanded coverage of Actuated Controllers--With numerous realistic case studies for Signal Design and Capacity Analysis.
    NEW - --Updated Demand Modeling and Forecasting.
    NEW - --Updated Traffic Impact Studies.
    Carefully chosen examples--Most accompanied by discussion and interpretations of results.
    Develops and illustrates concepts. Ex
    Exercises--Cover a full range of difficulty.
    Gives students hands-on practice in applying concepts. Ex