Solid State Electronic Devices
Ben G. Streetman
- ISBN:9789332555082
- 10 Digit ISBN:9332555087
Price:Rs. 850.00
- Pages:624
- Imprint:Pearson Education
- Binding:Paperback
- Status:Available
One of the most widely used introductory books on semiconductor materials, physics, devices and technology, Solid State Electronic Devices aims to develop basic semiconductor physics concepts, so students can better understand current and future devices and provide a sound understanding of current semiconductor devices and technology, so that their applications to electronic and optoelectronic circuits and systems can be appreciated. Students are brought to a level of understanding that will enable them to read much of the current literature on new devices and applications.
Table of Content
Chapter 1 Crystal Properties and Growth of Semiconductors
Chapter 2 Atoms And Electrons
Chapter 3 Energy Bands And Charge Carriers In Semiconductors
Chapter 4 Excess Carriers In Semiconductors
Chapter 5 Junctions
Chapter 6 Field-Effect Transistors
Chapter 7 Bipolar Junction Transistors
Chapter 8 Optoelectronic Devices
Chapter 9 Integrated Circuits
Chapter 10 High-frequency, high-power and Nanoelectronic devices
Chapter 11 Municipal Solid Waste
Chapter 12 Hazardous Waste Management
Chapter 13 Air Pollution and Control
Chapter 14 Noise Pollution and Control
Salient Features
• The basics of semiconductor materials and conduction processes in solids are incorporated to understand p-n junctions, bipolar and metal oxide semiconductor transistors, optoelectronic and other devices.
• A discussion of device fabrication processes and CMOS integrated circuit technology, along with data in the Appendices, provide a useful understanding of how semiconductor devices are made.
• The extensive discussion of circuit and other application examples provides students with feedback about the practical relevance of the theory.
• The discussion of MOS devices is updated, both in the underlying theory of ballistic FETs as well as discussion of advanced MOSFETs such as FinFETs, strained Si devices, metal gate/ high-k devices, III-V high channel mobility devices.
• The treatment of optoelectronic devices is updated, including high bandgap nitride semiconductors and quantum cascade lasers
• A brand new section on nanoelectronics introduces students to exciting concepts such as 2D materials including graphene and topological
insulators, 1D nanowires and nanotubes, and 0D quantum dots.
• A new discussion highlights spintronics and novel resistive and phase change memories