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Internetworking with TCP/IP Vol. II: ANSI C Version: Design, Implementation, and Internals

Internetworking with TCP/IP Vol. II: ANSI C Version: Design, Implementation, and Internals

  • Douglas E. Comer
  • Author: Douglas E. Comer
    • ISBN:9789332550261
    • 10 Digit ISBN:9332550263
    • Price:Rs. 990.00
    • Pages:660
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available


    The Third Edition of this best-seller is a must for anyone working the TCP/IP suite of protocols.

    The authors provide an in-depth look at individual TCP/IP protocols in light of design alternatives, implementation techniques with actual ANSI C code, and the internals of protocol software. This book uses the widely accepted data-mark interpretation of TCP urgent data, and a discussion of the consequences is included. Throughout the book the authors use a working system— which they designed and built using ANSI C—to explain the interaction among protocols, the complete implementation process, and the internal structure.


    Table of Content

    1. Introduction and Overview.

     2. The Structure of TCP/IP Software in an Operating System.

     3. Network Interface Layer.

     4. Address Discovery and Binding (ARP).

     5. IP: Global Software Organization.

     6. IP: Routing Table and Routing Algorithm.

     7. IP: Fragmentation and Reassembly.

     8. IP: Error Processing (ICMP).

     9. IP: Multicast Processing (IGMP).

    10. UDP: User Datagrams.

    11. TCP: Data Structures and Input Processing.

    12. TCP: Finite State Machine Implementation.

    13. TCP: Output Processing.

    14. TCP: Timer Management.

    15. TCP: Flow Control and Adaptive Retransmission.

    16. TCP: Urgent Data Processing and the Push Function.

    17. Socket-Level Interface.

    18. RIP: Active Route Propagation and Passive Acquisition.

    19. OSPF: Route Propagation with an SPF Algorithm.

    20. SNMP: MIB Variables, Representations, and Bindings.

    21. SNMP: Client and Server.

    22. SNMP: Table Access Functions.

    23. Implementation In Retrospect.

    Appendix 1: Cross Reference of Procedure Calls.

    Appendix 2: Cross Reference of C Structures Used in the Code.

    Appendix 3: Xinu Functions and Constants Used in the Code.

    Salient Features

    Reflects changes in the protocol standards and updates the example code to ANSI standard C.
    Contains working source code in ANSI C for most protocols including TCP, IP, ICMP, IGMP, UDP, ARP, RIP, SNMP, and a significant part of OSPF.
    Defines data structures, constants, and code for procedures and processes in ANSI standard C.
    Provides active experimentation with a working TCP/IP implementation.
    Implementation support for the IGMP protocol used for IP multicasting and multicast OSPF routing protocol used in applications such as audio and video multicast.
    Unique coverage of the Open Shortest path First link-state routing protocol designed by the IETF.
    Shows the latest interpretation of the urgent data processing.