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Computer Vision:: A Modern Approach, 2/e

Computer Vision::  A Modern Approach,  2/e

  • David A. Forsyth
  • Author: David A. Forsyth
    • ISBN:9789332550117
    • 10 Digit ISBN:9332550115
    • Price:Rs. 1120.00
    • Pages:792
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available

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    This textbook provides the most complete treatment of modern computer vision methods by two of the leading authorities in the field. This accessible presentation gives both a general view of the entire computer vision enterprise and also offers sufficient detail for students to be able to build useful applications. Students will learn techniques that have proven to be useful by first-hand experience and a wide range of mathematical methods.


    Table of Content

    1 Geometric Camera Models
    2 Light and Shading
    3 Colo
    4 Linear Filters
    5 Local Image Features
    6 Texture
    7 Stereopsis
    8 Structure from Motion
    9 Segmentation by Clustering
    10 Grouping and Model Fitting
    11 Tracking
    12 Registration
    13 Smooth Surfaces and Their Outlines
    14 Range Data

    Salient Features

    • Broad coverage—Coverage of a wide range of topics allows customization to fit instructor, student, and course needs.
    • Most comprehensive and up-to-date text on computer vision—Includes essential topics that either reflect practical significance or are of theoretical importance.
    • Depth of the material accessible to various levels of students—Topics are discussed in substantial and increasing depth.
    • Application surveys—Describe numerous important application areas such as image based rendering and digital libraries.
    • Many important algorithms broken down and illustrated in pseudo code.
    • Excellent pedagogy throughout the text—Includes numerous worked examples, exercises, programming assignments, and extensive illustrations.