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Microcomputer Systems: The 8086/8088 Family Architecture Programming and Design

Microcomputer Systems: The 8086/8088 Family Architecture Programming and Design

  • Yu-Cheng Liu
  • Author: Yu-Cheng Liu
    • ISBN:9789332550087
    • 10 Digit ISBN:9332550085
    • Price:Rs. 870.00
    • Pages:640
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available


    A comprehensive exploration of both the software and hardware for 6-bit microprocessors using the Intel 8086/8088 family — and their supporting devices.

    Table of Content

    1. Introduction.

     2. 8086 Architecture.

     3. Assembler Language Programming.

     4. Modular Programming.

     5. Byte and String Manipulation.

     6. I/O Programming.

     7. Introduction to Multiprogramming.

     8. System Bus Structure.

     9. I/O Interfaces.

    10. Semiconductor Memory.

    11. Multiprocessor Configuration.

    12. VLSI Processing and Supporting Devices.

    13. The 80286/80287.

    Appendix: 8086/8088 Instruction Set.

    Salient Features

    gives readers a working knowledge of programming and designing 8086/8088-based microcomputer systems through an abundance of examples.
    covers the 8089 I/O processor, the 8087 numeric data processor, and how they can be integrated into an 8086/8088 based system.
    introduces the special features of 80130, 80186, and 80286.
    includes more than 390 flowcharts, programming examples, logic diagrams, tables, and other illustrations.