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Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing, The: With an Introduction to Interactive Computer Graphics for Design and Production

Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing, The: With an Introduction to Interactive Computer Graphics for Design and Production

  • Warren J. Luzadder
  • Author: Warren J. Luzadder
    • ISBN:9789332549982
    • 10 Digit ISBN:9332549982
    • Price:Rs. 1450.00
    • Pages:704
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available

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    This volume presents a solid fundamental treatment of engineering graphics, geometry, and modeling suitable for engineers and technologists. It reflects the most modern drafting proceduresfrom the fundamentals (for the beginner), to techniques and practices of drawing in specialized fields. This revision enhances understanding of graphics fundamentals in the era of computer-aided design to better prepare students to use CADD software effectively.

    Table of Content

    1. Introduction.

     2. Drawing Instruments, Computer Drafting Equipment, and Techniques.

     3. Engineering Geometry.

     4. The Representation of Space Relationships: Two and Three Dimension.

     5. Multiview Representation for Design and Product Development.

     6. Freehand Sketching for Visualization and Communication.

     7. Sectional Views.

     8. Auxiliary Views.

     9. Basic Spatial Geometry for Design and Analysis.

    10. Developments and Intersections.

    11. Pictorial Presentation.

    12. The Design Process and Graphics.

    13. Dimensions, Notes, Limits, and Geometric Tolerances.

    14. Fastening and Connecting Methods for Assembly.

    15. Shop Processes and Tool Drawings.

    16. Production Drawings and Process Models.

    17. Computer-Aided Design and Drafting.

    18. Numerically Controlled Machine Tools and Robots.

    19. Graphic Methods for Engineering Communication and Computation.

    20. Graphical Mathematics.

    21. Design and Selection of Machine Elements: Gears, Cans, Linkages, Springs, and Bearings.

    22. Electronic Drawings.

    23. Structural Drawings.

    24. Topographic and Engineering Map Drawings.

    Salient Features

    the Eleventh Edition elaborates on integration of computer graphics through six additional chapters of basic fundamentals; provides two sets of problems to test and reinforce readers' understanding of material; stresses the ability to manipulate three-dimensional geometry-- whether on the surface of a drawing or as a solid computer model; and highlights popular CADD products and integrates CADD into each chapter as it naturally occurs.
    the authors cover all topics basic to the preparation of working drawings for both products and systems--e.g., multiview drawing and freehand sketching, spatial geometry, and design and dimensioning practices; and make extensive use of step-by-step illustrations.