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Internetworking with TCP/IP Vol. III: Client-Server Programming and ApplicationsBSD Socket Version, 2/e

Internetworking with TCP/IP Vol. III:  Client-Server Programming and ApplicationsBSD Socket Version,  2/e

  • Douglas E. Comer
  • David L. Stevens
  • Mary Shaw
  • Author: Douglas E. Comer
    • ISBN:9789332549876
    • 10 Digit ISBN:9332549877
    • Price:Rs. 1090.00
    • Pages:552
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available

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    This is the Second Edition of Vol. III BSD Socket Version from one of the most popular TCP/IP Internetworking series ever published. This new edition includes code in ANSI C throughout. This is the only book available who's central theme is software design that teaches designers how to structure clients and servers. The server designs are directly applicable to WWW and other applications. The authors present the most complete coverage of server technology that allows designers to understand the costs and benefits of advanced server technologies. In addition, the Second Edition discusses the use of application gateways to allow client-server communication across heterogeneous protocols.

    Table of Content

    1. Introduction.

    2. Architectural Styles.

    3. Case Studies.

    4. Shared Information Systems.

    5. Architectural Design Guidance.

    6. Formal Models and Specifications.

    7. Linguistic Issues.

    8. Tools for Architectural Design.

    9. Education of Software Architects.


    Salient Features

    constructs an organizational framework for a course that:
    teaches how to understand and evaluate the design of existing software systems from an architectural perspective.

    provides the intellectual building blocks for designing new systems in principled ways using well-understood architectural paradigms.

    shows how formal notations and models can be used to characterize and reason about a system design.

    presents concrete examples of actual system architectures that can serve as models for new designs.

    will allow instructors to add innovative material to existing courses.

    emphasizes informal descriptions, touching lightly on formal notations and specifications, and the tools that support them.