CMOS VLSI Design: A circuits and systems perspective, 4/e
The fourth edition of the best-selling text details the modern techniques for the design of complex and high-performance CMOS systems on a chip. Covering the fundamentals of CMOS design from the digital systems level to the circuit level, this book explains the fundamental principles and is a guide to good design practices  
Table of Content
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 MOS Transistor Theory
Chapter 3 CMOS Processing Technology
Chapter 4 Delay
Chapter 5 Power
Chapter 6 Interconnect
Chapter 7 Robustness
Chapter 8 Circuit Simulation
Chapter 9 Combinational Circuit Design
Chapter 10 Sequential Circuit Design
Chapter 11 Datapath Subsystems
Chapter 12 Array Subsystems
Chapter 13 Special-Purpose Subsystems
Chapter 14 Design Methodology and Tools
Chapter 15 Testing, Debugging, and Verification
Appendix A Hardware Description Languages
Salient Features
- Broad, in-depth, up-to-date, and comprehensive coverage of the entire field of CMOS VLSI design
- Introduces each key element of VLSI design, including delay, power, interconnect, and robustness
- Ample circuit-level coverage, emphasizing practical circuits used in commercial chips
- Illuminates circuit simulation with SPICE through a complete tutorial chapter (Chapter 8)
- Presents extensive coverage of data-path, array, and special purpose building blocks (Chapters 11-13)
- Contains a rich set of problems, worked examples and exercises for learning reinforcement
- Presents "war stories" of "chips gone bad" and their lessons for today's designers
- Links theory to practice through expert Historical Perspective and Pitfall sections that reveal what's happening in real R&D and engineering laboratories