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Object-Oriented Programming with C++

Object-Oriented Programming with C++

  • A.K. Sharma
  • Author: A.K. Sharma
    • ISBN:9789332515833
    • 10 Digit ISBN:9332515832
    • Price:Rs. 590.00
    • Pages:352
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available


    Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a paradigm shift in programming, which defines, creates, and manipulates objects to develop reusable software.

    This book is designed to help students understand the concepts governing OOP and develop a talent in them to choose right the OOP tools for a given problem situation. Dealing at length with the creation and manipulation of OOP components using C++, Object-Oriented Programming with C++ uses examples that reflect current practices and standards to provide a hands-on experience to budding software engineers.


    Table of Content

    Chapter 1 Introduction C++ 
    Chapter 2 Pointers 
    Chapter 3 Programming Techniques: A Survey 
    Chapter 4 Classes and Objects
    Chapter 5 More on functions: Advanced concepts 
    Chapter 6 Constructors and Destructors 
    Chapter 7 Inheritance: Extending Classes 
    Chapter 8 Templates : Code sharing
    Chapter 9  Operator Overloading
    Chapter 10 File handling in C++
    Chapter 11 Exception handling
    Chapter 12 Introduction to UML 
    Chapter 13 Polymorphism: A review

    Salient Features

    • Begins with the basic principles and builds on them systematically to cover advanced topics.
    • Elucidates the design of classes using the open-close principle and Liskov's substitution principle
    • An exclusive chapter on UML
    • Effective use of diagrams and real-life examples
    • Over 100 fully tested and executable programs
    • More than 100 MCQs