Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Science and Mathematics >> Physics >> Quantum Mechanics

Advanced Quantum Mechanics

Advanced Quantum Mechanics

  • J. J. Sakurai
  • Author: J. J. Sakurai
    • ISBN:9788177589160
    • 10 Digit ISBN:8177589164
    • Price:Rs. 1050.00
    • Pages:336
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available


    This widely-regarded classic presents the major advances in the fundamentals of quantum physics. No familiarity with relativistic quantum mechanics or quantum field theory is presupposed, but the reader is assumed to be familiar with non-relativistic quantum mechanics, classical thermodynamics and classical mechanics.

    Table of Content

    Part I: Classical Fields
    1. Particles & Fields a Discrete and Continuous Mechanical Systems
    2. Classical Scalar Fields
    3. Classical Maxwell Fields
    4. Vector Potentials in Quantum Mechanics.
    Part II: The Quantum Theory of Radiation
    1. Classical Radiation Field
    2. Creation, Annihilation, and Number Operators
    3. Quantized Radiation Field
    4. Emission and Absorption of Photons by Atoms
    5. Rayleigh Scattering, Thomson Scattering and the Rama Effect
    6. Radiation Damping and Resonance Fluorescence
    7. Dispersion Relations and Causality
    8. The Self-energy of a Bound Electron; the Lamb Shift
    Part III: Relativistic Quantum Mechanics of Spin-1/2 Particles
    1. Probability Conservation in Relativistic Quantum Mechanics
    2. The Dirac Equation
    3. Simple Solutions; Non-Relativistic Approximations; Plane Waves
    4. Relativistic Covariance
    5. Bilinear Covariants
    6. Dirac Operators in the Heisenberg Representation
    7. Zitterbewegung and Negative-Energy Solutions
    8. Central Force Problems; the Hydrogen Atom
    9. Hole Theory and Charge Conjugation
    10. Quantization of the Dirac Field
    11. Weak Interactions and Parity Nonconservation; the Two-Component Neutrino
    Part IV: Covariant Perturbation Theory
    1. Natural Units and Dimensions
    2. S-Matrix Expansion in the Interaction Representation + First Order Processes; Mott Scattering and Hyperon Decay
    3. Two-photon annihilation and Compton Scattering; the Electron Propagator
    4. Feynman's Space-Time Approach to the Electron Propagator
    5. Moller Scattering and the Photon Propagator; One Meson Exchange Interactions
    6. Mass and Charge Renormalization; Radiative Corrections

    Salient Features