Higher Ed. and Vocational >> Engineering and Computer Science >> Electrical & Electronics Engineering >> Communication Systems

Electronic Communications, 4/e

Electronic Communications,  4/e

  • Dennis Roddy
  • John Coolen
  • Author: Dennis Roddy
    • ISBN:9788177585582
    • 10 Digit ISBN:8177585584
    • Price:Rs. 1450.00
    • Pages:736
    • Imprint:Pearson Education
    • Binding:Paperback
    • Status:Available


    This comprehensive introduction to Electronic Communications explores fundamental concepts and their state-of-the-art application in radio, telephone, facsimile transmission, television, satellite, and fiber optic communications. It provides an explanatory as well as descriptive approach, avoids lengthy mathematical derivations, and introduces the use of Mathcad for problem-solving in select areas.

    Table of Content

    1. Passive Circuits
    2. Waveform Spectra
    3. Digital Line Waveforms
    4. Noise
    5. Tuned Small Signal Amplifiers, Mixers and Active Filters
    6. Oscillators
    7. Receivers
    8. Amplitude Modulation
    9. Single-Sideband Modulation
    10. Angle Modulation
    11. Pulse Modulation
    12. Digital Communication
    13. Transmission Lines and Cables
    14. Wave guides
    15. Radio wave Propagation
    16. Antennas
    17. Telephone Systems
    18. Facsimile and Television
    19. Satellite Communications
    20. Fiber Optic Communications

    Salient Features

    • Comprehensive coveragethat allows instructors a range of material from which to choose
    • Avoids lengthy mathematical derivations, but gives important mathematical results and their physical interpretation
    • Makes use of Mathcad for problem-solving in select areas to alleviate tedious mathematical manipulation of formulas
    • Features new chapters on digital signals and digital communications.